Wednesday, October 10, 2018

More Books

I ordered 2 books, but I'm sticking to my no-reading-anything-else-until-next-week declaration.  One is the habit book recommended by someone in my PHB circle and the other is new reading for PHB.

The Power of Habit

The Book of Awaking

I including these as links because I'm fancy and lazy (didn't want to type the long names) at the same time.  You're welcome.  

Meditation class was a mixed bag yesterday.  I liked the CLASS - stretchy yoga with breathing, supine meditation and savasana.  I wish the meditation part was longer, but, overall, good class.

The issue was before and after class.  I "centered" in the car, took some breaths, set an intention and walked into class to hear a complaining, negative conversation on fair grounds.  Ugh.  It came from the instructor too.  Just as class started, a friend of the instructor joined the class and after class they immediately started talking about life as an instructor and student.  Lots of noise, some complaining, no peace to follow the class, no inclusion in the conversation (it takes time to put away all the yoga/meditation toys, mat, blanket, etc so no quick escape). Not what I was expecting from the instructor especially for this type of class.

Still, I'm going back.  I hope that was a strange day and that's all.  I'm sure there's some yoga lesson in that distraction LOL.  It's all I have on my radar for a meditation class for now.  Fingers crossed for next time.  

PHB call was much, much less emotional (couldn't be more emotional haha).  I didn't start the call a HOT MESS so no expectations or anything to drag me down, but I guess that means no big lessons either - but the subject of goals is a pretty positive one.  This week's homework is interesting.  A letter to your 15 year old self - okay, done that kind of thing.  Hunny, it all works out.  Hang in there.  But, the part that sounds fun is a FUTURE letter for the last day of PHB.  What makes it sound fun is that you use a website service and the letter gets emailed to you IN THE FUTURE!!  LOL.

This is all great for PHB, but I'm thinking what a fun thing to do for turning 50 in two years.  I haven't checked out the site, so I don't know specifics and if that can be done for 2 years later.  I'll let you know the scoop.  I had a similar idea to do with my BFF for 50 - mail each other sealed letters and we'd exchange at 50 to see what we accomplished and what we didn't, etc.  I like this even better!

I also liked our PHB lesson last night.  It's about the 80-20 rule, but not the one I thought.  Basically, 20% is what you are working on and that 20% determines your growth, etc.  The 80% is the stuff you already mastered.  I'm not explaining it very well (probably because I need to understand it better - yep, a book is on the horizon).  The message I took away is don't work on more than 20% change at once.  Master something, move it to the 80% and add something new to the 20%.  You must tackle (and win) a number of games before you can win the Super Bowl.  The "toolbox" of stuff we are learning is not meant as a to-do list, it's meant as tools when you need them.  That takes the pressure off of do this and this and this and this ... now do it FOREVER!!

Today is a rain day (yea) and boxing this morning.  Then tons of rescue phone calls.  Pretty basic day, but getting everything wrapped up for the week ahead of a full weekend.

Later gators.  

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