Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Unexpected turns ... (and Pictures)

Something did havoc with my stomach yesterday (wonder what it could be hahahaha).  Junk in, junk out.  I spent the day close to a bathroom.

Boxing became an interval treadmill run.  No errands.  I did all my self-care and got some reading in (finally).  My stomach is still not right this morning. Yoga/meditation class is a big question mark.  It's too late to cancel, so I'll go with how I feel - class isn't until noon.  I'll have another treadmill run this morning.

I have a new favorite meditation and I'm actually feeling like I'm meditating (for part of it - sometimes most of it).  Usually, I'm fighting NOT having a thought, realizing that IS a thought and getting discouraged.  Meditation is a letting go, releasing.  It's not a fight or a push.  That's so hard.  The more I to fight to achieve it, the further away it stays.  Brat!!

It's 15 minutes with a visualization in the beginning, a mantra, meditation then a release of the mantra.  It's a nice balance for me and I like the visualization a lot.  Here it is:
Deepak Chopra Intention Meditation

My foster babies are due to arrive today or tomorrow.  A group of 3 dogs (we're getting 2), surrendered after owner died and set to be euthanized.  We think after the owner died, someone kept them outside.  They're all filthy, matted and terrified.  The person who dropped them off never even told the shelter their names.  We all chose "A" names for them and are calling them the A-Team.  Someone else is taking the "perfect" foster we were signed up to get - no one wanted these 3 (the other is a gray fluffy boy).  Sadly, even in the foster world, everyone wants perfect.

Here's a dog-lovers quote that I love:

Being an "Until" Mom
I'll hold you until you're not afraid to be touched.
I'll pet you until you're not longer afraid of hands.
I'll feed you until you know you can count on your next meal.
I'll be your mom until I trust someone else to love you.
I'll love you until ... always."

SIX pounds of fluff.  This is ASPEN.
She is the most scared of all of them.
Soon baby - she's at the vet.
ARCHIE weighing in at 12 lbs.
He had his head in the corner of the wall,
shaking and shut down from people.

Switching gears ...

Did I show my new bracelet with this PERFECT hidden message?  It's my private, little secret affirmation.

After my 5th time in the bathroom this morning (sorry - TMI), I cancelled my noon class.  I guess since there is no waitlist, I can late cancel.  I wonder if I have a bit of food poisoning?  This isn't my normal tummy issue.  I hope I'm better by boxing and massage tomorrow!!  I need to decide on the massage by this afternoon to avoid the cancelation fee.  This week is TURNING all over the place, but I'm trying to go with the flow.

It's only Tuesday, but it feels like Thursday.  Funny how that happens.  Tonight is my PHB call.  I'm curious about the homework this week.  I wonder what's left to cover.  I have too many self-help books in line to read LOL.  I'll keep you posted as I work my way through them.  I won't start for at least a week (World Without End is so well written - a fantastic story, but it's taking me a long time to get it read).

Later gators.

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