Sunday, October 21, 2018


This cold (virus) is kicking some butt.  I've moved from the sore throat phase to the cough phase.  All. Night. Long.  UGH!

I took 2 days off from working out because cleaning up the kitchen zapped my energy - nothing left in the tanks.  Today, some sort of workout will happen.  I don't have any expectations, just start and see what happens.

I also took off from my self-care stuff.  No meditation, no affirmations, no journalling, no podcasts, no nothing.  I ate primarily white carbs (except my green drink in the morning) and didn't care at all.  Today, I care (and I probably should have cared yesterday too LOL).  Enough now.  Time to get back to it.

Here's the agenda for today ... it's pretty bold considering, but I'm going for it.

Affirmations (while I'm walking on treadmill)
Dog walk
Grocery store (podcast in the car)
PHB homework (I've done nothing)

This is a big week ahead and I NEED to feel better.

On the dog front:
Little Aspen is improving.  Her tail wags now.  She lets you touch her a little.  Still pees and poos inside ONLY, but one thing at a time.  She even tried to play with Duke this morning.  Resiliency - we could all learn from dogs!  Archie is also improving.  He only pitches half-a-fit when you put a harness on (hahaha), but he LOVES his walks.  They both are terrified of leashes - I don't even want to thing about why.

Nothing else to tell this morning.  The weather is cool, crisp ... totally fabulous.  I'm looking forward to enjoying dogs walks at anytime during the day now.  No rush to get up and out before the high sun.  When the highlight of my post is weather, it's time to say good-bye.  Later gators.

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