Monday, October 8, 2018

I'd Give the Weekend an A+

It's about time.  So many weekends have taken me off course lately.  Mentally, physically.  I hit Monday needing a reset and doubting whether I can actually change.

Nothing was perfect this weekend and that's the win.  I ate okay - not perfect, not exactly as I planned, but I enjoyed it all.  I stopped when I had enough, made "worth it" choices.  I got right back to business on the down times.

Mentally, I set myself up for success.  Kept my affirmations, meditation and podcast listening.  Honored my needs while doing for the family.  BALANCE.

My head was clear all weekend.  Not one little bit of negotiation or negative talk about what I could have, should have done better.  AND -- I participated, enjoyed and balanced all the fun.  Who am I?!?!

Now I expect this weekend was the climb on this rollercoaster and I'm well prepared for the downward turn as a part of life (my life).  This was a big win though.  Super big for me.

Do the work and THIS change is possible.

Monday is here and no reset needed ... just continuing on.  Is this what NORMAL feels like??  I'll take it.

Speaking of Monday ....

Today is boxing.  My legs are shot though.  I'm going to have a rest day tomorrow ahead of my noon yoga/meditation class.

I have a big old to-do list for the week, but plenty of time to do it.  Hubby is at a business dinner tonight and out of town until Thursday.  Lots of room for me time too.  I'm sort of looking forward to the to-do list which includes fall decorating!  We have a busy end-of-week and weekend coming (more on that later) and a few down days of organizing feels good.

Later gators.

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