My treadmill is being delivered today. Praise be to all that is good - it's on-time, no delays!! I CAN NOT WAIT!! Fingers crossed for a smooth transition. I miss you, sweetest treadmill.
Still no monthly. Ugh. It's coming ... just like fall, so slowly. I think today because I woke up all zen and the urge to kill was gone :-)
I was back to my usual reading last night and it felt good to make some progress on my books. I want to hit that evening routine harder - I've been slacking.
I thought a lot more about my day on Sunday and what happened. Why did I throw healthy out the window? I realized that while I was doing well with some of my mental head stuff, I caved to some feelings on Sunday. It's a long story, but the short version is sometimes I feel run over by my family. Do for me, do for me too, do for me three and don't worry about yourself. I ate those feelings. Dang.
My intention for this week is to FEEL my FEELINGS. Not resist my feelings, but let them pass through me without reacting to them. ALL the books I've read recently on self-help talk about doing this and I'll be damned if I can figure it out. My intention is focused on trying to understand it. It's like the elusive meditation practice - it's right there, but I can't quite get it.
Speaking of which - today is 1/2 yoga, 1/2 meditation back at my old yoga studio AND with a friend. I had high expectations, but then I decided to go with no expectation. If it's good - yea, new class and another step on the path. If it's not - another step on the path too.
A quote I read recently by Brene Brown, "Expectations are resentments waiting to happen." It's coming in handy for my class today.
PHB phone call tonight. The Burn List. Negative thoughts, regrets, fears listed out. Once we work through this, I'm hitting my goal list - Brooke Castillo style.
Today is a busy one. Run with my Duke Dog, class at noon, treadmill delivery in the afternoon, rescue phone calls and PHB. It's going to go quickly. Hubby is out of town. Bed to myself. Only 2 dogs. The week is shaping up nicely. Have a terrific day. Later gators.
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