Monday, October 22, 2018

The Monday Blues

It's not Monday's fault.  It's more that I'm STILL SICK!  I woke up feeling really dumpy this morning.  Pity party for one.  I'm sick.  I can't still be sick.  Another week of stuff messed up.

No boxing this morning because I can't stop coughing.
No yoga-meditation tomorrow because I have to BLOW my nose -- the disgusting kind of clear the sinuses and I'm coughing.  Not cool during the quiet of meditation.
No lunch with a friend because I'm still germ-filled.

Everything feels hard.  Workouts, errands, chores, dog stuff.  I'm behind on everything.  I don't sleep.  All I want to eat is white carbs (every time I'm sick).

Pity party in full swing.  I will try to turn this mood around, but I don't feel like doing it - why leave a good party?!?  I have a dermatologist appointment this afternoon to have a spot looked at and probably biopsied.  Fun times everywhere I look.

In other news (like anything else is important LOL) ...

I'm reading The Power of Habit which was a recommendation from one of the ladies in PHB (our little group of four).  It wasn't my choice for next read, but I felt obligated to try it.  Turns out it's pretty interesting.  I swear I've seen the book before - it's so familiar, but I don't have a purchase history of it and I can't really remember it.  I've read a few books on habits, so it's probably overlap.  It talks about how habits form in the brain, habits as related to marketing (hello, Target) and how this knowledge can help to make personal changes.  It's just "science-y" enough to be interesting, but not so much you have to skip over too much detail and big words.  I'm about 1/3 finished.

Speaking of Gretchen Rubin ...
I listened to her podcast for the first time yesterday.  This one (#188, I think) was about making a list of life's dates - keeping it as a file or as a journal.  I moved this day - here's my new address.  I started a job this day.  I gave up sugar this day.  We vacationed here this year.  Practical stuff (when you have to remember your last 5 addresses for some stupid form) and fun stuff to remind yourself of what you did that year.  I like this idea a lot.  Of course, I wonder if it's I'm a bit too late to the game on this one.  She points out that everyone plans to remember this stuff (how could I forget the year we went to Spain), but over time the details get blurry and it takes a lot to figure out the when-we-did-this stuff.  It's on a MAYBE list for me.

As far as today goes - it's not a fun day, but I'm going to use it to get some stuff caught up and prep myself for when I feel better.  Chores, errands, paperwork.  A big old list.  Another treadmill workout and arm lifting.  No push again - whatever feels okay.  I'm also committing to Whole30 eating this week.  I need to pull off of white carbs and feel better.  A quick reset is a good idea.

Finally, I'm reminding myself of my favorite take-away from Byron Katie ...  the Universe works for me, not against me.  It's hard to get behind that today, but that's my INTENTION of the day.  Excepting what is, loving what is and knowing it's all for me.  (But, pretty please, I want to kick this sick!!!)

Later gators.

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