Saturday, June 16, 2018


I'm already making a change to my workout schedule based on my EXHAUSTION during my workout yesterday.  I need 2 complete rest days (or at least an extra day every other week).  On those weeks, I'm going to combine active rest and lifting.  Active rest is power walking Duke 3 miles (with tons of hills) -- adding some lifting isn't horrible.  This will open up a day for a full rest -- regular, slower, shorter dog walks (unless is hubby home to do it!).

I was so melted yesterday, I had to take a break blow drying my hair - true story.  I did a treadmill interval run and then power walked Duke.  I was so sweaty (thanks Atlanta humidity) that I chaffed all over my bra line.  OMG did it burn in the shower and the rest of the day.  Lesson learned.

Today is the Grilled Cheese and Beer Festival with our Releash Atlanta fundraiser.  HOT, HOT, HOT.  We're helping at the bars getting tips for the dog rescue groups.  My issue is we leave at 10am, home by 4pm ... no outside food or drinks allowed.  I'm sure they will have water to purchase, but food TIMING will be an issue today.  I'm packing a cooler for the car ride home.  I'm not as worried about the event as I am when I get home.  I'll be tired, melted, hungry, thirsty and feel like relaxing.  All recipes for disaster if I don't make a PLAN.

I'm going to try to wear my shorts today.  I have ZERO idea if they will fit.

Sometimes when I get feeling better, eating better, etc ... I think I'm BACK.  I have sort of an opposite problem than usual.  I think I'm thinner than I really am and when I try on clothes, I get a big reality check.  It's happened already this Whole30.  I decided to wait another week before digging back in my closet EXCEPT it's so dang HOT today.  I really want shorts IF they fit.   So I'll try again today.

In some AMAZING food news ... I tried Zoe's Kitchen.  It's a counter service, Mediterranean food restaurant with everything made from scratch.  The menu has Whole30 listed and approved selections.  It was awesome!  Even the soda fountain had compliant flavored fizzy water!  We have 2 locations near us and lots around the area.  I used to get take-out from work - never realized it was compliant (it's a recent pairing).  The menu lists all stuff ... vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy free, W30, etc.  An Instagram blogger was in Atlanta promoting a W30 cookbook and mentioned Zoe's Kitchen.  It opened a world of eating out on W30 for me (can you say birthday dinner?!?!).  Usually, only California gets that lucky!!

Yesterday was a GOOD, HAPPY mood day.  The kind I get when on Whole30, but haven't had even one before yesterday.  I felt light and easy-going and laughed a lot.  I hope I get more days like this - I need it.

My cold sore (STRESS!!!) is healing.  It wasn't a horrible one since it stayed ON my lip - thank god.  I can cover it pretty well.  Lordy, it feels HUGE and is so gross.  They are contagious and yucky ... didn't want to serve beer today with my lip friend front and center.

Off to "regular" walk Duke and pack up for our day out.  The kids are coming so it'll be a nice family day if we don't all melt LOL.   Later gators.

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