Friday, June 22, 2018


We had our call yesterday - interrupted by no less than 10 times the dogs barked and barked and barked.  I need to change that up for next week.

We talked about something that they go into depth with during Project Healthy Body.  Here's the scoop.

I told her the food stuff was the same as every Whole30, but what I notice this time is that my life has some frustrations that I never paid attention to, but now I notice because I can't eat/snack/drink that frustration away.

People in my life (family, friends, fellow volunteers) are pushing back HARD when I say NO.  I'm usually a YES person.  Favor - sure.  Go do something - sure.  Change up times for something - sure. You get the idea.  I'm not working. I have flexibility.  Lately, people are walking over me TOO MUCH though.

When I started Whole30, I planned to focus a bit more on ME and honor what I needed in the day - hence the start of saying NO.  Not a wishy-washy NO.  A firm no-thank-you (usually with a good reason attached to the NO).

Then comes the push back and the reasoning with me and the "but you can" stuff.  And I'm getting this from lots of directions.  So much so, that I often cave to the pleading - and then I'm frustrated and upset and angry.  IF I hold firm to the NO, I'm the bad guy -- I've disappointed people, etc.

Yesterday, I called for a massage appointment.  TURNED OFF MY PHONE.  Then headed to boxing.  I didn't turn my phone on again until late afternoon.  Everyone can wait.  Everything can wait.  The day was a firm NO to everyone and I focused on ME.

I didn't realize how much this is present in my life.  The first 1/3 of the Whole30, the Universe dumped on me big time ... but the next 1/3 was "normal" life with so many of these frustrations still present.

I'm aware now and going to make strides to correct this - hopefully, in a nice way.  I'm fired up about it and I might be inclined to be too forceful in my NO.  I'll try to play nice.  No guarantees though.

People treat you how you let them treat you.  Lesson noted.

Maybe this Whole30 is more than just my jeans fitting again.  Maybe this is why I struggled to get back on plan every single day.  Maybe, probably.

Later gators!  Happy Weekend!

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