Friday, June 29, 2018

Coaching Call and Weekend Stuff

This was the best coaching call to date.  4 down, 2 to go.

We made a plan for post Whole30 and talked through some of the stuff.  Plan: Follow Whole30 eating (but loosen "added sugar" requirement i.e. salad dressings, etc); follow 3 meal template (i.e. no snacking); no alcohol until my lake trip on July 14.  This feels good and hard, but necessary.  I'm not ready for NO RULES.  Working on my stuff + a bunch of summer fun events = disaster without a plan and some rules.  I HAVE made progress (not as much as I HOPED - but realistically what I expected).  The only way to get further is to continue forward.

I didn't unleash my entire crazy on her, but I hit the highlights.  It was good to hear her encouragement and assurance I'm not alone.  She sent me several podcasts to listen on the subject of boundaries.  Yea - THIS is what I want from coaching!

Last night was the first night with no PUKING from any dog (I drugged them all with the anti-puke pills).  But still - win!  We still got up at 3:30 am for a potty break, but back to sleep until 5:30 - that's the best we can do.

I noticed I'm hyper-focused on negative thoughts with all this boundary stuff.  Yesterday (after my coaching call), I made an effort to think good thoughts.  It helped.  So that's my plan today - good thought - over and over.  Gratitude and adrenals go hand-in-hand ... so I was told yesterday.

Our weekend plans changed so many times this week.  Looks like we landed on dinner with friends on Saturday and hanging out the rest of the weekend.  Hubby's birthday is Monday, BBQ on the 3rd with fireworks and the 4th.  This week is a big one - a quiet weekend feels good.

Today's workout is treadmill intervals.  Duke was puking yesterday, so I don't want to push him this morning with a power walk.  I have to see which interval workout feels good.  When I get up, my muscles are jello.  Whether I push for hard, medium or soft will depend on how I feel after the warm-up.

I have lunch plans with a friend.  I'm going to suggest Zoe's Kitchen (of course).  We'll see how that goes.  Hubby comes home mid-afternoon and can watch the gang while I run errands.

Fun day, good thoughts, clean eating.  Later gators.

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