Monday, June 11, 2018

Project Healthy Body

I've done some more reading on PHB.  Most of the blog posts are from participants and the first assignment is often referenced.  Naming the STUPID voice in your head that negatively talks, sends you running to the refrigerator after a long day, etc and writing a GOOD-BYE letter.

Let me say right off the bat ... I hate this idea.  It's very woo-woo to me.  I think I'm beyond this kind of exercise.  Already self-aware enough.  I don't need to "name" the voice ... the voice is ME.  It doesn't seem to be necessary - boarders on dumb.

But, the point is change.  Doing something different or I'll keep going down that same yo-yo path.  I'm glad I found about about this early - time to think it over.  A name is a big deal.  I need time to figure that out, so I did some googling.  Here are the top runners ....

Mallory = ill fated
Lola = sorrow
Leah = weary
Cia = because it sounds like good-bye

My first choice was Cia because it's perfect.  It might be too perfect.  Too on the head.  My next choice is Lola.  I don't know any Lolas and it rolls off the tongue.  Mallory is almost too depressing.

Look at me doing the woo-woo work - ha!  I hope I didn't bite into something strange.  But Holly (my coach) doesn't seem strange.  She's pragmatic and straight shooting ... not all incense and love circles.  Maybe we don't even do this exercise!  I can't fight the entire program because that is STUPID.  Try stuff to see if it works.  Tony Robins has a lot of strange stuff and a lot of it works for me (not everything though).

I need to stop the attitude that I'm better than this game.  I don't have so much change to do.  I'm better than people just starting their journey.  None is true.

I keep thinking that when this starts, I'll be at my goal weight, do great things, etc.  Do I really need 5 months of this?  But I want something to HOLD for me.  I want to try LIFE COACHING.  I want to try something new.

I'm glad to have time before I start this program to get in a better headspace.  Come off my high horse and work the program.

As far as Whole30 coaching goes - it's definitely keeping me on the straight and narrow.  Accountability is an A++.  I still wish she would reach out and check in a bit.  She's responded to my texts, but I do the initiating.  Again - she told me this is how it works.  It's only been a week, so I might feel more comfortable as I get to know her.

Dog life is a bit easier.  Louie is adopted and off to summer at his lake house (waiting for my invite LOL).  Jack is feeling better, but I think we might go back to the vet for a wound check today.

Let the week begin ...

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