Friday, June 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Dear Duke ...

Duke turns 2 today.  Since he's always been an owner surrender (5 different families) we actually know his real birthday.  Squeak toys, special dinner and a new bone ... for EVERY DOG!  He (they) got the first toy this morning - cue the non-stop squeaking!  We LOVE you Duke Dog!

Today is a busy Releash Atlanta day.  There's an event at Children's Hospital and Louie is going (even though he's adopted as of Monday - yea Louie!!).  We will be there all afternoon in the heat of the day - wearing our Releash shirts that show every drop of sweat.  Lovely.

My next coaching call isn't until Tuesday.  I'm encouraged to text or email if I need support, etc.  That feels strange.  I'm a little surprised my coach doesn't initiate the how's-it-going text.  I knew this upfront though.  It's easy to text with a how-to question (what's compliant on W30, what's a good recipe for chicken).  Harder to say, this is a hard night and I'm struggling to see how I'll get through the 30 days.

The good news is I'm not struggling that much, but last night was the first time I felt tired about the program (this go around).  It's been a long week and I wanted to settle in with a glass of wine.  It passed quickly, but I thought about reaching out and then thought I was being a baby about it.  I'll have to see going forward how much I "use" her.  Just knowing we have our call coming holds me to the accountability piece.

On a side note, I'm starting to dig the water with lemon.  Go figure!  It's really refreshing!  I'm still curious about how helpful it is, but in the meantime, it might be a nice summer morning drink.

Off to start the weekend!  Later gators!

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