Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday Challenges

Let's start with being UP at 4:30 - DOGS!!  Jack gets hungry so after a 3:00 piddle break, he was up and ready for breakfast.  He won't stop licking my face, jumping on me.  Ugh.  Walked, fed, major dog zoomies and then NAPS.  Thank goodness THEY'LL be rested!

This presents a problem for today.  We have dinner plans with friends at 7:00 o'clock - isn't that bedtime?!?  And I'm on Whole30.  And I won't drink.  And it's Korean BBQ (so it's a long dinner).  It's going to be a long, hungry day.

Here's a bonus.  Hubby came home from his trip and said I looked like I lost weight.  He's always honest.  I believe him and I know that he DIDN'T notice a change before since he said nothing.  PROGRESS!  I'm probably a few more weeks out before I'm back in range.  Since social stuff is heading back in the mix, it'll take longer though.  I need to keep working the plan.  No matter how "hard" ... the plan gets me back.

Today is "hard" day 1.
Monday is hubby's birthday so out to lunch and dinner! Hard day 2.
Tuesday is a big BBQ and fireworks.  Hard day 3 (probably the hardest).
Saturday is a Releash festival (food, drinks and rescue fun).  Hard day 4.

4 challenges this week.  The mother-load.  I want to continue progress, not just hold steady this week.  It's going to be a nail-biter.

I have no thoughts on a workout today.  I took the medium interval route yesterday, but by the end it was hard (in a good way).  My legs feel okay this morning so perhaps another run?!?  Given my tired muscle status, I haven't been sticking to my schedule.  I guess it was too hefty for right now.  I'm up really early and that could open up for an outside run, but it means getting dressed and waking up hubby (the dogs will follow me into the bedroom).  Decisions, decisions.

You know how I drink collagen peptides every day?  Two scoops in hot something.  My bestie gave me some in my birthday box from a different company - Thrive.  (I use Vital Protein).  I tried it this morning and it tastes and smells like bad breath.  I've heard that complaint before since it's derived from bone broth (which can be very stinky).  I hate to pitch it, but I can't stomach it.  I'll try it in tea instead of lemon water and see if that helps.  It's good to know!

Concentrating on HAPPY (happier) thoughts yesterday worked well - duh!  I'm continuing that today.  Reframing my challenges, my early day and so on.  I also started my podcast homework from my coaching session.  Food for thought on boundaries.

Later gators.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Coaching Call and Weekend Stuff

This was the best coaching call to date.  4 down, 2 to go.

We made a plan for post Whole30 and talked through some of the stuff.  Plan: Follow Whole30 eating (but loosen "added sugar" requirement i.e. salad dressings, etc); follow 3 meal template (i.e. no snacking); no alcohol until my lake trip on July 14.  This feels good and hard, but necessary.  I'm not ready for NO RULES.  Working on my stuff + a bunch of summer fun events = disaster without a plan and some rules.  I HAVE made progress (not as much as I HOPED - but realistically what I expected).  The only way to get further is to continue forward.

I didn't unleash my entire crazy on her, but I hit the highlights.  It was good to hear her encouragement and assurance I'm not alone.  She sent me several podcasts to listen on the subject of boundaries.  Yea - THIS is what I want from coaching!

Last night was the first night with no PUKING from any dog (I drugged them all with the anti-puke pills).  But still - win!  We still got up at 3:30 am for a potty break, but back to sleep until 5:30 - that's the best we can do.

I noticed I'm hyper-focused on negative thoughts with all this boundary stuff.  Yesterday (after my coaching call), I made an effort to think good thoughts.  It helped.  So that's my plan today - good thought - over and over.  Gratitude and adrenals go hand-in-hand ... so I was told yesterday.

Our weekend plans changed so many times this week.  Looks like we landed on dinner with friends on Saturday and hanging out the rest of the weekend.  Hubby's birthday is Monday, BBQ on the 3rd with fireworks and the 4th.  This week is a big one - a quiet weekend feels good.

Today's workout is treadmill intervals.  Duke was puking yesterday, so I don't want to push him this morning with a power walk.  I have to see which interval workout feels good.  When I get up, my muscles are jello.  Whether I push for hard, medium or soft will depend on how I feel after the warm-up.

I have lunch plans with a friend.  I'm going to suggest Zoe's Kitchen (of course).  We'll see how that goes.  Hubby comes home mid-afternoon and can watch the gang while I run errands.

Fun day, good thoughts, clean eating.  Later gators.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Update on everything ME

Let's talk about ME (again)!

This week has been a rollercoaster.  Moods, cravings, workouts, weather.  Up and down and up and down.

Moods:  I've had a lot of HAPPY feels.  The Whole30 kind when I find myself happy for no apparent reason.  It's the best kind of HAPPY.  I'm not feeling as much as I usually do on a Whole30, probably because I'm working on head STUFF.  But see below for my "other" mood.

Cravings:  I had my first real cravings this week.  Not for anything in particular -- craving to snack and mindlessly eat.  I'm not sure why.  This week was less stress than it's been lately.  Was is a happy mood craving??  One night I indulged in food-after-dinner or what I called an "extended" dinner.  All compliant, all healthy ... but I wasn't hungry.  I stopped that shit quickly.  I don't need to go down that road.

Workouts:  I felt really good at the beginning of the week.  Boxing, running ... then my legs hit the wall again and the thought of walking up the stairs felt like an event.  What's up RECOVERY??

Weather:  Hot (mostly), stormy (a lot) ... but a couple of mornings with lower humidity.  Have to laugh at our local weather guy (who I see on the Today Show local weather segments).  Today's high of 93 will feel like 94 with the humidity factored in.  Does he hear himself LOL?!?!  Gave me a laugh over and over since it's a taped recording for all the local weather reports.

I've been doing well with scheduling time for myself AND time for fun.  Nail appointments, massages, friend time. NO PHONE time is a beautiful thing (no text messages, no FB messenger - just quiet).  It's so nice to have it off (I need to remember to turn it on again).  I'm on a great book streak - James Patterson (10th Anniversary) followed by Gail Honeyman (Eleanor Oliphant).

I'm also setting some good boundaries.  No is no and I don't need to give a big reason why every time.  Reasons why are reasons for people to push back, negotiate, etc.

That's what's going well.  I'm in a strange funk with my Whole30 mental stamina though.  I was going strong - extending to 40 days.  I'm not where I need to be yet and I want to keep going.  Then I hit the blahs.  Here's an excerpt of my brain ramblings - hold on to your seats folks.  *Actual mind conversation*

I don't feel like doing this.
I'm ready to have a glass of wine.
Moderating is good too.
I need to learn to moderate so a glass of wine is good practice.
I should still have stuff to work on before the August Project Healthy Body starts.
I'm good enough now.
Who cares if things don't fit.
I should have celebrated with food for my birthday.
I want to celebrate hubby's birthday and the 4th with food.
Food is joy.
Dessert is fine.
Why did I ever think I shouldn't eat dessert?

The last couple of days, I've been bloated and gassy (first time since I started - hubby should feel lucky to be out of town LOL).  I feel yucky - all progress in the pants-fitting area is halted with the bloat. (Smart brain knows bloat is different and will go away -- dramatic brain thinks why bother because this is a total failure.)  And, more invites coming on the calendar for my extended 10 days.  I don't want to say no because of Whole30, but I can't drink and it will feel less fun.  Or maybe not.  (My brain is so crazy right now.)

The truth is I don't need to FEEL like doing it, I just need to DO IT.  So Whole30 continues and as my pity party is in full swing (pity parties are way more fun with wine).  I can stomp and kick and scream and be totally bummed as long as I continue forward.

It's been such a strong feeling, I almost ate something non-compliant (and it was DESSERT) just to fail so I could actually fail.  I told you - CRAZY TRAIN!  It was such a close call.  Good lord - what is happening to me?!?!

Maybe it's being bloated (probiotic to the rescue - hopefully) and being under slept (ugh - dog stuff) and being physically tired (muscle recovery MIA) and being emotionally tired (setting boundaries is hard stuff).  When I say it this way, no wonder I've entered pity party realm.

Today's stuff:

I'm on the fence about boxing.  My body is tired, but this is the only day I can box until next Tuesday.  I have another hour to figure it out ... rest or boxing.
UPDATE: I'm doing a light arm day at home today - decision made.

I have my coaching call this afternoon.  I don't know if I feel like sharing all this stuff.  I probably should - that's the point of coaching.

Lots of Releash Atlanta work today.  I'm a bit burned out, but plugging along.

That's all the stuff about ME!  Thrilling, huh?!?  Later gators!

I am ...

When I stopped working, I declared it the Year of ME (The Middle) and the Year of Yes (Shonda Rhimes) and the start of My Happiness Project (Gretchen Rubin).

The year was great!  I worked hard at being HAPPY, living HEALTHY in a relaxed (i.e. not stressing about it) way and the pay off was everything I'd hoped.

The problem with that goal is it had a timeframe.  One year.  And one year + one day, the motivation started the slow slide to not-quite-magical anymore.

I've tried to get it back and I can't find it anymore.  I've thought about EVERY year making a declaration so there is no break, no real end.  But it would have an end - in my mind there is an end.  That year, that goal ends.  Ends are a bad place for me.  They are an excuse to slack, to slide, to stop the real effort.

Given my Whole30 coaching and the coming Project Healthy Body, I thought about making this the start of something ... something with no defined END, but a defined GOAL and growing GOALS.

The beginning of a FOREVER change.  Sounds a bit woo woo and corny (I think so too), but it worked for a year, why can't it work for a year + infinity.

Lots of the "experts" I read-listen-follow love the power of the "I AM" statement.  It's simple and powerful.  Tony Robins, Whole30, PHB, etc, etc.

Sounds like something to try.

I AM ...

I need to think about what I actually am (i.e. what I want to be when I grow up LOL!).  My plan is to start with one or two and then GROW that list.  Nothing needs to stop but as I continue to make progress, I can ADD to the list.  Maybe, it can become my morning MANTRA (or meditation - dare I try it again LOL).

The more I think about it, the more I like it.  My personal MISSION STATEMENT so to speak.

I don't want an endless list to start.  That will dilute each "I am" too much.  I want each one to have solid meaning and be a solid goal.  Make sense??

Hmmmm ... lots to think about.  It's a good start.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Coaching, Evaluating and WORTH IT

I've mentioned before, this Whole30 is bringing to light more than just my-pants-don't-fit.  I noticed I was eating-drinking daily frustrations away.  Saying 'no' with no results left me frustrated and upset.  Not having an option to SNACK away my feelings brought them front and center.

I'm steadily working on getting a balance of compromise that also honors what I need.

Another "side-effect" from Whole30 (at least the last 2) is that I'm evaluating lots of WORTH IT moments - not just food related.  Food Freedom Forever philosophy on what is worth it or not spills over into my daily life.  (In a good way!!!)  I read it during my last Whole30 and that's why it's become part of my Whole30 protocol for these last 2 rounds.  At first, it's all about food.  Adjusting, adapting, working the program ... but as it becomes routine, the focus turns outside of food.

Case in point:
I belonged to a MyFitnessPal private group from my lifting class.  I logged in everyday and MFP counts and notes milestones of days logged (triggering almost an OCD of making sure I don't break that streak).  Every time I logged in, I thought two thoughts.  (1) I miss this group.  (2) I'm disappointed with my instructor.  She left with reasons of health, but it turns out it was just a desire for another gym.  That's not a bad thing, but the mis-truth doesn't sit well with me. EVERY DAY I felt a little sad and a little annoyed by logging into MFP.  Yet I did it anyway.  Religiously.

This week I deleted the MFP app.  And it feels good.  I'm grateful for the learning and fun and memories, but it is long overdue to close this chapter.  If it opens again with any of these lovely ladies or this instructor - that's welcomed, but it will be something NEW and FORWARD.  Not longing for something from the past.  And it will be with eyes opened a little further.

Thanks Whole30 for triggering this evaluation - it wasn't WORTH IT.  I didn't even notice.

I also did another clean-up on Facebook.  ANY post about shit that is mean, uncaring and downright disgusting - instant UNFOLLOW.  I don't need this in my life and I don't need closed minded asses with closed minded thoughts polluting my day.  People are people and it disgusts me the hate for OTHERS.  I wouldn't unfriend a select group of people in the past because it seemed rude and they might notice - and we had a lot of history together.  I don't care anymore and I don't care who it is either.  Good-bye.  It feels right and it feels good.

Another evaluation this week is that I'm extending my Whole 30 for at least 10 more days (total 40 days).  I'm not where I want to be (pictures - ugh) and I don't feel like I have my STUFF worked out enough that I trust myself.  I need to do some more housecleaning and self-reflection before I'm ready to tackle food freedom.  This weekend's lake trip is also postponed (that's two in a row - funny) so I can easily extend.  Thanks Universe for this helping hand!!

Finally, I'm really excited about the program in August.  I like the idea of a slow-roll of good habits and trying something new.  I'll be finished with my Whole30 coaching and have a month "on my own" before the next program.  This will be a good opportunity to see what I do and don't do with that freedom - where the trouble spots hide.

I said no more Whole30s needed - I learned everything I needed to learn.  I guess I was wrong.  Working on that growth mindset, Whole30-style.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Birthday Recap!

Lots to tell ...

About an hour before we met for dinner, the skies opened up and the weather went crazy.  Zoe's Kitchen is fun for lunch and nice for Whole30 needs, but is totally NOT WORTH traveling in stormy weather.  Dogs gathered, kids gathered, food gathered and we had an impromptu dinner at the house.  It was fun and relaxing and a great way to finish up a birthday.  Even though I didn't participate, we made Moscow mules and peanut butter - chocolate - banana milkshakes ... pretty nice for a Monday!

PS  Still not loving the pictures of me.  In my head, I've made more progress, but that's for another conversation.  Tomorrow's post is all about coaching and W30 and what's next.

All 5 dogs!

Now turning to the BIRTHDAY SWAG.  Some self-given, but the family hit it out of the park this year.  New phone and lots of "live" pictures - love this feature (and as usual, I'm years late coming to this technology party).  Hubby got my a flat pad charger - no pesky cord needed.  After my last phone and it's charger issues, this is extra nice.

Here's the rest of the fun.  I'm not going to lie - I LOVE a good gift (both giving and receiving).

Eldest with my COOL shoes.  Everyone has a pair - including him and I've commented how much I love them.  They look so nice on.  I have big, wide feet and the stitching is so slimming LOL.  Who knew??

Boxing gear.  I bought the big gloves.  Youngest got the support gloves and a new workout shirt.  

These are the shorts I saw at the boxing class.  I probably won't wear them to boxing, but I love them for home workouts!

My new watch strap.  So cute for summer -- and my favorite color combination!

My massage was relaxing, the car got a spit-shine at the fancy car wash, tons of phone calls, Facebook messages, family fun ... a Monday birthday turning 48 was a PERFECT day.  I unapologetically enjoy celebrating ME on my birthday.  Birthdays should be fun - for everyone, no matter your age.  I make sure I celebrate me and everything else is sweet icing on the cake.  Here's hoping 48 is a year to remember in all the best ways.

In random news, this book was recommended - funny, sad, awesome.  I downloaded it this morning.  It's next on my read list.  Later gators. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

It's my BIRTHDAY ... I'll cry if I want to ...

No crying needed ... that song pops into my head every time I say "It's my BIRTHDAY"

Yesterday started the celebration.

First a good workout - lifting and a run-walk with Duke.

Morning trip to the lake to let the dogs swim.  Parker swam, Duke reluctantly swam and Jack sat on the side-lines, dry and happy.

A trip to the Apple Store for a new iPhone (8 plus) in red with a clear shock resistant case.  While all the transfer was cooking, I got the most adorable striped watch band for my watch.  (It's upstairs and I'm lazy right now so no picture yet).  I'm still getting used to my new phone.  Me and new technology have a complicated love-hate relationship.  I know I have a great camera, but have't even taken ONE picture yet.  Baby steps ... LOL.

And, I'm cleaning up PUKE again - now my big dog.  He ate some dead thing and is barfing.  This isn't funny anymore Universe!  Last night, during the night, this morning (twice).  UGH!!

Today is a 90 minute massage and dinner with the family at Zoe's Kitchen (whole30 menu options).  Hopefully, a bit of a cook up this afternoon. I did a super fast grocery run to the big stores yesterday - thank goodness!

My usual "tradition" on my birthday is a long run.  This year, it's a rest day.  Oh well :-)  That's the way it timed out and since boxing is tomorrow, I'm not going to push it.  But, I need to long walk my little guy so I better get moving. Once the sun is over the tree line ... forget about it ... way too hot!

Later gators!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Bunny EyeZ

Wait no longer - my super cool order arrived.


Readers that some brilliant woman figured out ... totally adjustable!  Need one side down to lay in bed - yep.  Need two sides down when you're at the hair salon getting color - yep.  Need to see out AND down - yep, give a tilt - no end of nose needed.

They come in several styles and tons of colors.  Lots were sold out after the Today Show debut (thanks Hoda for the recommendation!), but I found 2 I love!

Well done Ms. Inventor!  Not the best pictures, but you'll get the idea.  Remember Bunny EyeZ (got to get that 'z' in there or it's not the eyeglasses).

Either side clicks down
Both sides click down 
Tilt from the front to read below and still see distance

My new boxing gloves came too.  This might be the case of you-get-what-you-paid for ... the gel style were $30 compared to $120 at the boxing studio.  I don't think they're as nice, but I'll see if they are okay for me on Tuesday.  Totally returnable if not.  I need extra wrist and knuckle protection.

I carved out that little peaceful moment yesterday afternoon (stress cold sore prevention!!!!).  The humidity was noticeably down and it was nice in the shade.  Kombucha (strawberry) and a no-brain-required mystery book (James Patterson - Woman's Mystery Club #10) -- it was a nice breath of calm.

Dogs surrounding me, but not a bark to be found - good pups.

Today is a NEW PHONE day.  I'm excited and not excited.  I don't easily adapt to new technology and the timing for this aggravation is not great.  My hand-me-down phone is over 3 years old and it's acting up.  I guess I must do it.

I have a mix-matched workout planned.  Some arm lifting and a walk-run with Duke.  That will set me up for a rest day tomorrow (my BIRTHDAY).  Since I'm up so early, we can get out before it's too hot.

After our early morning stuff, we're heading to the lake to let the dogs swim.  It'll be Duke's first time (as far as we know).  Parker LOVES to swim.

Jack is drugged nicely and NO puke last night.  Thank goodness.  He slept through the night for the first time EVER, but that meant up at 5 am.  I just stayed up - no point in trying to go back to sleep.  Now, I'm awake and all dogs and one hubby are sound asleep.  It's peaceful though!!

Later gators.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Birthday fun ...

... on hold!  We have a sick foster AGAIN!  Up 2 nights with barfing IN THE BED and midnight baths and loads of sleep-less fun.  He's holding at the emergency vet today - hopefully, a pick-up this afternoon.  Poor him.  Poor me.  Poor bedding.

But plenty of time to celebrate.  And you know I WILL!

I ordered another birthday present for myself.  Why?  Because I'm worth it LOL.  I've wanted a pair of American flag running shorts FOREVER.  I've never found a fit/style that might work for me.  A fellow boxing class peep had the exact type I was looking for - so I asked her where she got them.  They are currently on their way to ME!  I hope they look nice.  I'll wear them at home, but still have to fit!  If they look GOOD, I'll wear them for running races, etc too.

And some more good news ... my OTHER shorts fit too.  Not sort of fit, but actually fit.  There IS progress (damn pictures).  This is a WIN I needed.  Thanks Universe for at least this small favor!

I'm trying to control my stress these last couple of days because I'm scared of another COLD SORE!  Lately, they come in a progressively worse line-up of THREE.  One down ... I hope no more to come.  Breathe.

While hubby golfs and I'm waiting on the vet call, I took MY pups for a FREE Starbucks.  Yea!  Finding small pleasure where I can, when I can and focusing on NO stress reaction.

I had a fun interval run on the treadmill this morning.  Fast, down and dirty.  HARD.  Short.  Something different (and I need to get to vet - so got it done ASAP).  I was up against the clock and I liked it.  My energy felt the best it has since I started Whole30 - not sure if that was adrenaline or simply better energy.  Either way - I'll take it.

Yesterday was coffee with a great friend and foot massages.  It was a nice afternoon after a really productive morning.  I turned my phone off for a couple of hours and my world didn't collapse.  I think this might be a new part to most of my days.  Peace and quiet.

On that note, while I wait, I think I'll head to the deck and read my book.  Later gators.

Friday, June 22, 2018


We had our call yesterday - interrupted by no less than 10 times the dogs barked and barked and barked.  I need to change that up for next week.

We talked about something that they go into depth with during Project Healthy Body.  Here's the scoop.

I told her the food stuff was the same as every Whole30, but what I notice this time is that my life has some frustrations that I never paid attention to, but now I notice because I can't eat/snack/drink that frustration away.

People in my life (family, friends, fellow volunteers) are pushing back HARD when I say NO.  I'm usually a YES person.  Favor - sure.  Go do something - sure.  Change up times for something - sure. You get the idea.  I'm not working. I have flexibility.  Lately, people are walking over me TOO MUCH though.

When I started Whole30, I planned to focus a bit more on ME and honor what I needed in the day - hence the start of saying NO.  Not a wishy-washy NO.  A firm no-thank-you (usually with a good reason attached to the NO).

Then comes the push back and the reasoning with me and the "but you can" stuff.  And I'm getting this from lots of directions.  So much so, that I often cave to the pleading - and then I'm frustrated and upset and angry.  IF I hold firm to the NO, I'm the bad guy -- I've disappointed people, etc.

Yesterday, I called for a massage appointment.  TURNED OFF MY PHONE.  Then headed to boxing.  I didn't turn my phone on again until late afternoon.  Everyone can wait.  Everything can wait.  The day was a firm NO to everyone and I focused on ME.

I didn't realize how much this is present in my life.  The first 1/3 of the Whole30, the Universe dumped on me big time ... but the next 1/3 was "normal" life with so many of these frustrations still present.

I'm aware now and going to make strides to correct this - hopefully, in a nice way.  I'm fired up about it and I might be inclined to be too forceful in my NO.  I'll try to play nice.  No guarantees though.

People treat you how you let them treat you.  Lesson noted.

Maybe this Whole30 is more than just my jeans fitting again.  Maybe this is why I struggled to get back on plan every single day.  Maybe, probably.

Later gators!  Happy Weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Happy First Day of Summer!

No surprise - summer is here in GA.  H + H + H

Everything about yesterday was kind of blah.  Not horrible, but nothing great.  I need to boost the FUN factor today.  I just pulled myself out of a rut ... dressing in sweats, hibernating because sick dogs, taking care of everything but ME.  Yesterday felt like a slip back to that so I'm taking the bull by the horns and figuring out some ME time today.

First up - boxing.  I'm enjoying it a lot.  Yea to me that I went back and pushed forward to give it an honest try.  I see myself doing this for the summer (or longer).  Why?  It's a great workout, gives me the cross-training I need, it's fun AND the class times are perfect for my schedule.  Win.  Now I need to find a pair of boxing gloves.  I'm borrowing from the gym and that's GROSS.  I'll wait until after my birthday (since I mentioned it to my son -- not expecting them, but just in case!).

Then what?!?!  I'm stuck, but looking at options.

Possible toe nail polish change.  I'm not loving the color.  Normally, I'll stick with it until it's time to change, but maybe I'll treat to just a polish change.  Definitely a possibility!

Lunch at Zoe's Kitchen.  I little harder to get time with boxing and dogs.  Probably not an option, but it's a maybe.

Actual massage.  Last minute.  Might be hard to get an appointment, but also a possibility.  I have tons of credits to use.

Download a new book.  I'm hunting for my next read.  This could work.

This afternoon, I have my coaching call.  I'm curious what we'll talk about today.

Our Releash Atlanta volunteer party on Sunday got postponed.  Yea (although I'm sure I would have had fun).  I don't need to figure out what to make, how to keep it at temperature, hang outside in the heat all afternoon, navigate while on Whole30, etc.  It feels like weight off my shoulders this week.

AND, my fun new THING shipped yesterday!  I'm excited!  Stay tuned ...

Okay, not much to say again today.  I'll give a recap of the coaching tomorrow.  Later gators!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Rollercoaster

It seems like I'm on a mood rollercoaster this Whole30.  One day I'm UP, next I'm DOWN and so on.

Our little foster, Jack, is BACK.  Sweet as anything, but a whole lot of work.  We've had some tough fosters lately and I'm ready for an easy one (and a female dog instead - dang these marking male dogs!).  Sleep was interrupted, hubby grumpy and this day seems a whole lot harder.

I'm trying to get my butt in gear for an early power walk with Duke - taking the workout down a notch.  Boxing was good and hard yesterday.  My legs still need some relief.  It should be a run day, but I can't do that and STILL box tomorrow.

It's a busy day - hair appointment and cleaning ladies.  Not exactly a hardship day - I know!!  Things get more complicated with a needy foster.  I feel for this little guy.  He needs some time to settle in and settle down.

I did well with eating yesterday, but woke up in the night HUNGRY.  Not sure what that was about.

I ended up eating lunch at home.  My shopping was a success at the first store (yea!) and I wasn't ready for lunch.  Zoe's Kitchen will have to wait a bit longer.  I wasn't in the mood to window shop (not usually my cup of tea any day).

It feels like a blah day (and a blah post).  I'm going to work on reframing it and making it a good day. Wish me luck - I need it - haha!! Later gators!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Adding ME time

I scheduled some ME time officially.

Friday, I'm having a foot massage with a friend.  It's the kind where you sit in a recliner chair and they massage your neck, arms, legs and finally FEET!  It's cheap and fun and relaxing.  We'll catch up with coffee after.

Monday (my BIRTHDAY) I scheduled a 90 minute massage with someone I haven't used before.  I don't often do the 90 minutes unless I know I like them, but I'm taking my chances.  Why?  The receptionist said she specializes in FEET and I LOVE a foot massage.

I'm also taking some ME time today.  Morning boxing and afternoon shopping.  I need a gift for a friend so I'm heading to the outdoor plaza where there happens to be a Zoe's Kitchen (Whole30 menu)!!!  Good planning.  I'll hit it up for lunch.  I'm due to food prep again so lunch out feels good.

I ended up running most of the walk yesterday.  Duke was pushing to GO!  I still need a better rest day.  I thought about skipping boxing to give me that rest time, but that's what needs to stay on my calendar.  Saturday will be a total REST day - not even a power walk. (We're planning to take the dogs swimming instead!)

I busted ass yesterday to get my stuff done.  I was pooped by the end of the day, but it's such a relief to have those things off my to-do list.  I have one last must-do leftover today and that's it.  The week feels much better -- still lots of stuff, but today is open enough to enjoy some space.

My birthday gift from hubby is a new phone.  Mine is over 3 years old (because I took over his old one).  We are also going to "fix" my iTunes account that my dear youngest son took over years ago and screwed up my interface with my stuff (i.e. I can't get it on my phone - we've all tried).  I don't want it for the music, I want to start listening to podcasts in the car.  I stink at new technology and I'm always 10 steps behind -- time to step up (I'm super late joining this party)!  The real gift is getting all this fixed and set-up for me!

I accidentally ran into those damn Facebook pictures again and got all bummed.  I promptly un-tagged myself.  I swear I notice some positive changes and I want to focus on that -  not on some stupid pictures.  Hopefully, that does the trick.

Oh - I ordered something SUPER cool yesterday!  Stay tuned ... it's one of those things you wonder why no one ever thought of before.  I'll give details as soon as it arrives!!  Happy almost birthday to ME (it was under $30 too!).

Later gators.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Yesterday and Today

Father's Day BBQ with the dogs was really nice.  I ditched the crappy, weird cake and made brownies (from scratch).  Brownies are so easy to make, but I still like the GF box mix A LOT and it's still wins in the "easier" department.  I totally rocked my eating - yea ME.

Great photo - if I do say so myself.

Workout was an interval run, but not my typical.  Shorter intervals and more intervals.  Tired and sweaty by the end, but I needed it - lifting got the boot in favor of a good sweat.  Today is an active rest day.  Saturday screwed up my rest cycle and I need to add something to relieve my tired legs.  I want my boxing days intact, so today gets a lighter workout.

This week doesn't SEEM full if you look at the calendar, yet it FEELS full (almost overwhelmingly so).  I need to chunk a few things off my list today and tomorrow to get relief on that front.

Maybe I'm still recovering from the Universe DUMP for all those day, but I'm missing my ENGERY of Whole30.  I'm tired of PLANNING and MANEUVERING and RUSHING.  Finish one thing, add two things.  I'm in a cycle where so many people NEED something from me.

I need ME too!  I'm having trouble prioritizing ME in my days lately and it's really wiping me out.

This weekend was FUN, but it came at a price.  I'm tired.  Looking ahead, I don't see a relief day.  I guess I will concentrate on TODAY and keep moving forward.  One task at a time!

Later gators!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

No pictures.

I decided to not load up the pictures and look at them more closely.  I want to forget them and get back to my warped reality.  There's a chance that I might see SOME results if I look closely, but there's a bigger chance I will be unhappy all over again.

The pictures look like me, same me for the last 6 months.  There IS progress though and I need to focus on that - especially today.

Today is a lift workout and kitchen ALL DAY.  Lots of food I can eat, but lots that can be too much too (i.e. guacamole, kombucha, salsa, SNACKING).  I need to be on my game today or I'll be consuming too many "healthy" calories.  If I'm feeling discouraged, the desire to give in will be strong.  Still compliant -- not healthy habits though.

I'm compounded with some seriously tired legs.  It's been a long time since I've stood that long (and in the oppressive heat).  My rest day didn't feel like a rest day.  Now what?!?  Workout?  Rest?  I think I'll focusing lifting on my arms and back.  I planned a hard workout - that always helps my desire to overeat.  Ugh.  Not the best timing.

I've already been in the kitchen today.  AND I already over-baked the cake.  I used my lower oven and it's running hotter than it should.  It cooked in 2/3 the time (I was folding laundry and didn't check it).  I don't have another mix.  I might scrap it and make brownies.  Dang it!

Okay - off to get things DONE.  I need some serious mojo today ... pretty please ...

Saturday, June 16, 2018

As expected ...

Fun, HOT, exhausting and hard!

The festival was not a challenge.  Everything was so off from what I could eat, it wasn't an issue (even though I was on margarita duty!).

Finally home, starving and spent.  Then the challenge started.  I hung on.  Ate just what I needed to and put myself to bed EARLY (it's 7 o'clock as I sit in bed typing this).  I'll read, relax and get off my feet before a day of cooking tomorrow.

My biggest hang up today was the unwanted pictures.  I FELT good.  My (big) shorts fit.  I was glad to be a healthy person.  Then hubby posted some pictures on FB (I'll load them over at some point) and I HATED them.  Not one ounce of progress showed in these pictures.  AND I'm already 1/2way though this Whole30.

It's extra frustrating because I asked him not to do it.  I didn't want to see them.  The risk of deflating my mood was too much.  I know he doesn't get it, but please LISTEN to me.  You don't need to understand, just listen.


The only choice I have is to continue to move forward.  Inch my way closer to my goal.  Turning back is stupid.

Today was a win, but not one that feels particularly good.  Bugger.  I hope tomorrow restores my HAPPY.  Nighty night.


I'm already making a change to my workout schedule based on my EXHAUSTION during my workout yesterday.  I need 2 complete rest days (or at least an extra day every other week).  On those weeks, I'm going to combine active rest and lifting.  Active rest is power walking Duke 3 miles (with tons of hills) -- adding some lifting isn't horrible.  This will open up a day for a full rest -- regular, slower, shorter dog walks (unless is hubby home to do it!).

I was so melted yesterday, I had to take a break blow drying my hair - true story.  I did a treadmill interval run and then power walked Duke.  I was so sweaty (thanks Atlanta humidity) that I chaffed all over my bra line.  OMG did it burn in the shower and the rest of the day.  Lesson learned.

Today is the Grilled Cheese and Beer Festival with our Releash Atlanta fundraiser.  HOT, HOT, HOT.  We're helping at the bars getting tips for the dog rescue groups.  My issue is we leave at 10am, home by 4pm ... no outside food or drinks allowed.  I'm sure they will have water to purchase, but food TIMING will be an issue today.  I'm packing a cooler for the car ride home.  I'm not as worried about the event as I am when I get home.  I'll be tired, melted, hungry, thirsty and feel like relaxing.  All recipes for disaster if I don't make a PLAN.

I'm going to try to wear my shorts today.  I have ZERO idea if they will fit.

Sometimes when I get feeling better, eating better, etc ... I think I'm BACK.  I have sort of an opposite problem than usual.  I think I'm thinner than I really am and when I try on clothes, I get a big reality check.  It's happened already this Whole30.  I decided to wait another week before digging back in my closet EXCEPT it's so dang HOT today.  I really want shorts IF they fit.   So I'll try again today.

In some AMAZING food news ... I tried Zoe's Kitchen.  It's a counter service, Mediterranean food restaurant with everything made from scratch.  The menu has Whole30 listed and approved selections.  It was awesome!  Even the soda fountain had compliant flavored fizzy water!  We have 2 locations near us and lots around the area.  I used to get take-out from work - never realized it was compliant (it's a recent pairing).  The menu lists all stuff ... vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy free, W30, etc.  An Instagram blogger was in Atlanta promoting a W30 cookbook and mentioned Zoe's Kitchen.  It opened a world of eating out on W30 for me (can you say birthday dinner?!?!).  Usually, only California gets that lucky!!

Yesterday was a GOOD, HAPPY mood day.  The kind I get when on Whole30, but haven't had even one before yesterday.  I felt light and easy-going and laughed a lot.  I hope I get more days like this - I need it.

My cold sore (STRESS!!!) is healing.  It wasn't a horrible one since it stayed ON my lip - thank god.  I can cover it pretty well.  Lordy, it feels HUGE and is so gross.  They are contagious and yucky ... didn't want to serve beer today with my lip friend front and center.

Off to "regular" walk Duke and pack up for our day out.  The kids are coming so it'll be a nice family day if we don't all melt LOL.   Later gators.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Workout Schedule, Impatience and the Weekend

First my workout schedule.

Turns out I'm having fun with boxing (so glad I went back).  For now, I'm sticking with the month-to-month membership.

2 days boxing
2 days running
1 day weight lifting
1 day ACTIVE rest
1 day rest

I like the Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 boxing class - the time works well.  The other days are kickboxing mid-morning - not for me right now.

I need to figure out the schedule around those days.  A little tricky timing it all, but I'll probably vary it week to week based on weather, how I feel, my schedule, etc.  I like having a plan!



I want to be back in my clothes NOW - YESTERDAY actually.  I want this to be day 30 so I can love fitting into more clothes, feel good about myself.  You get the idea.  I'm not impatient because I want to stop eating this way, I'm impatient because I'm EXCITED to feel back to ME again.

Rome wasn't created in a day.  My outgrowth of all my clothes took months.  This will be a longer process - more than 30 days actually.

I missed ME more than I realized.

Shouldn't wish the days away (but I sort of do right now!!)


And the WEEKEND ...

Saturday we have a Releash Event (Grilled Cheese Festival).  The entire family is going.  I got tickets for the kids at Christmas and Releash just happens to have a table there too.  I'll need to pack my lunch - no grilled cheese and beer for me.

Sunday is our Father's Day grill-out.  Burger bar, french fries with cheese sauce, coleslaw, munchies, sangria and cake for dessert.  Lots I can eat, lots I can't, lots of work - even for simple.  The grand-dogs are coming over.  We're dog-sitting twice in July so we need to get them introduced to the house (and Duke LOL). 

Today is grocery shopping, treadmill interval run and a power walk/run with Duke ... that's it!  Some meal prep since we're gone all day Saturday.  I need to get going before it's too hot to even WALK outside!!  Summer in Atlanta - ugh.

Later gators.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Throw me that bone ...

Thank you Universe.  I finally had some stuff steer my way.  (We'll talk later about the lovely cold sore on my lip - one last poop on my week - not cool!!)

The big thing is a visit coming from our old next door neighbors and friends from VA.  They are some of our favorite people!  We got to see them about once a year when we headed to VA for visits to our eldest at school (until he graduated), anniversary trip to DC, etc.  Trips on our end have wrapped up now - no big pull to head that way.  They have family down here so they are making the trek - awesome!!

The visit is FANTASTIC, the timing was nail-biting.  We WILL drink when we see them.  It's what we do.  Not obnoxiously, not crazy ... but we open wine and enjoy.  IF they came during this Whole30, I would break it.  I just would.  Period.  This visit is SPECIAL ... my Whole30 is not special.  This is my 5th one.  They are coming LATE July - perfect, perfect timing.  Thank you Universe.

My nails look great.  A nice pick-me-up this week.  Clean, pretty nails make me happy.

Jack is staying for a few more days at the vet - healing totally.  That's great news.  I'm enjoying just my boys and it's so much easier.  They deserve a break too.  We will love on Jack the moment he's back!

In Whole30 news ...  yesterday's meal timing was off.  I ended up eating dinner late (right before bed) and that didn't feel as good.  I had a much better day, so cravings came in HOT.  After lots and lots of crappy days, succeeding through those days, I want to RELAX and the first place I look is FOOD.  Very bad habit.  One I don't know if I'll ever break for good.  I went straight to bed to avoid any snacking issues (even compliant ones).

Today is another boxing day.  My legs are tired.  Even after the rest day.  I still want to go, but I'll dial back some effort if I'm too tired.  During Whole30 exercise is tricky for me.  Do I need another rest day?  Is this Whole30 related?  Is this boxing related?  Can I push through?  Should I push through?  I'm on Day 13.  The energy slump should be over and I should be able to push again.  But, I'm tired!  As in walking-up-the-stairs-requires-an-extra-breath-and-a-rest-from-leg-burn TIRED!  It could be the newness of boxing.  The 60 minutes is HARD.  Honestly, the worse part is the 15 minute "warm-up."  It's an entire workout in itself!!  I don't know.  Today I'll box and I'll re-evatulate workout for tomorrow.

My dinner was late because I took my big guy to meet the nieces last night!  Everyone got along, but not friends yet.  They'll meet Duke on Sunday - oh boy!  I love this picture!!

The week is cruising ... next stop ... WEEKEND!  Have a happy Thursday.  Later gators.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Happy Hump Day

I'll call yesterday a transition day.  A little sad, a little busy, a little better.  I have high hopes for today - finally a happy day coming my way.

I had my coaching call with Holly yesterday.  It was good.  Affirming some of my "wins," giving some good perspective on my doubts.  Not exactly life changing, but what's to say.  I know HOW to do Whole30, I know WHAT to expect ... I need someone to hold me accountable and that doesn't require epic insight.  But it's WORKING!  Bottom line.  That's the goal.  So far, I'm happy with the coaching.

It's also a build up.  She's getting to know me.  She'll be my coach for PHB, so this is good to start down this road with her.  I have loads more expectation for PHB.  That's when I should be learning A LOT!  Reinforcing A LOT!  Connecting A LOT!

I boxed yesterday with a substitute for the class.  At first, crap, but I needed to be pushed to try different peeps.  I thought it might be easier to keep with the same instructor until I learned things more.  Not necessary as it turns out.  Dare I say, I liked him better?!?  I actually had some improvement - woohoo.  It probably doesn't look like it to anyone else LOL - but that I don't care about.  I'm a coordination mess - always will be, doesn't bother me much.

Today is my rest day and my muscles need it!  Duke and I will have our 3 mile walk (we usual jog some downhills, but maybe not today).  Nice and easy.

I scheduled an SNS nail appointment today.  That's my treat for the week.  I loved the american SNS I got for our trip.  The nail tech is good - it makes a big difference in the look of the SNS.  It's expensive, but I'm worth it this week - ha!

Update on the turmeric supplement - Curcumin 95.  It doesn't upset my stomach (that was a strange fluke), but still don't know if it's worth taking.  Those things you do that you can't see or measure the results make me weary.  Studies show good things happen, but we're all smart enough to know that doesn't necessarily mean shit in real life.  Jury's out on this one.  I'll continue with the bottle and do some more research.  It's 4 months worth ($17 - so didn't break the bank) - that will take me into the PHB.

Update on hot water with lemon - lordy I like it! (*stepping out of my box*) Who knew?  It's absolutely refreshing and VERY different than cold water with lemon.  Two thumbs up.  So now I don't care if there is a real benefit (besides the obvious hydration) - I like it!  Especially for summer.  I also like drinking it before bed.  I've come a long way since that first mug full - I'm practically a spokesperson now!!

Off for a HAPPY day - wish me luck - Universe, I'm counting on you.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

ME Before Picture

I have exactly ONE picture of me close to my heaviest (this was "after" a diet at Weight Watchers - about 15 lbs lighter than the heaviest).  The only reason I didn't get rid of it was it was a special photo memory for my youngest son - Discovery Cove trip with just me.  I've come close to tossing it, but stopped short each time.

Most of my new friends have never seen a picture of me during this time (and probably never will).  This picture represents misery in my life.  Unhappy with ME, unhappy with my job, unhappy in general.  It's not about the weight only - it's about what the weight represents in my life.

I don't feel empowered looking at this picture - how far I've come.  I don't feel motivated by the picture - I'll never go back.  I feel sad and shameful.  Wearing my troubles on the outside.

In prep for Project Healthy Body (PHB), I took it out.  It's hard to see.  It's hard to remember.  Maybe it's time to share (here - privately - which, of course, is ironic since this is the cyber-world).

So there it is ... out there for consumption.


In other news ....

Yesterday was such a sad day.  Sad for Ellie, sad for her mama.  I cried the entire day.  Top it off, Jack took a bad turn and he's staying at the vet for a few days.  I'm relieved to have a break, but worried about him.  It was a yucky day.

AGAIN - I want to turn this bad streak around and have a better day today.  Boxing class at 9:30, something fun this afternoon (not planning just yet - that hasn't worked well for me lately), 5 o'clock call with my coach.  Fingers crossed!!  Pretty please ....

I've been killing it with Whole30.  On plan.  No snacking (came close last night, but held strong).  Good meals.  Blowing through my freezer stash though.  I'll need to start a cook-up next week.  I don't have the energy (physical or mental) this week.  I'm starting to see the good stuff ... so I'm hanging on and holding focus.

HAPPY Tuesday!  Maybe, hopefully!!! Later gators.

Monday, June 11, 2018

R.I.P. Ellie McBelly

This precious girl headed over the Rainbow Bridge today.  Her life was so short, but her ending was happy and loved.  Our hearts are sad today.  We love you Ellie McBelly.  Godspeed sweet girl.

Project Healthy Body

I've done some more reading on PHB.  Most of the blog posts are from participants and the first assignment is often referenced.  Naming the STUPID voice in your head that negatively talks, sends you running to the refrigerator after a long day, etc and writing a GOOD-BYE letter.

Let me say right off the bat ... I hate this idea.  It's very woo-woo to me.  I think I'm beyond this kind of exercise.  Already self-aware enough.  I don't need to "name" the voice ... the voice is ME.  It doesn't seem to be necessary - boarders on dumb.

But, the point is change.  Doing something different or I'll keep going down that same yo-yo path.  I'm glad I found about about this early - time to think it over.  A name is a big deal.  I need time to figure that out, so I did some googling.  Here are the top runners ....

Mallory = ill fated
Lola = sorrow
Leah = weary
Cia = because it sounds like good-bye

My first choice was Cia because it's perfect.  It might be too perfect.  Too on the head.  My next choice is Lola.  I don't know any Lolas and it rolls off the tongue.  Mallory is almost too depressing.

Look at me doing the woo-woo work - ha!  I hope I didn't bite into something strange.  But Holly (my coach) doesn't seem strange.  She's pragmatic and straight shooting ... not all incense and love circles.  Maybe we don't even do this exercise!  I can't fight the entire program because that is STUPID.  Try stuff to see if it works.  Tony Robins has a lot of strange stuff and a lot of it works for me (not everything though).

I need to stop the attitude that I'm better than this game.  I don't have so much change to do.  I'm better than people just starting their journey.  None is true.

I keep thinking that when this starts, I'll be at my goal weight, do great things, etc.  Do I really need 5 months of this?  But I want something to HOLD for me.  I want to try LIFE COACHING.  I want to try something new.

I'm glad to have time before I start this program to get in a better headspace.  Come off my high horse and work the program.

As far as Whole30 coaching goes - it's definitely keeping me on the straight and narrow.  Accountability is an A++.  I still wish she would reach out and check in a bit.  She's responded to my texts, but I do the initiating.  Again - she told me this is how it works.  It's only been a week, so I might feel more comfortable as I get to know her.

Dog life is a bit easier.  Louie is adopted and off to summer at his lake house (waiting for my invite LOL).  Jack is feeling better, but I think we might go back to the vet for a wound check today.

Let the week begin ...

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Good Grief

Another crazy day.  Little Jack took a big turn for the worse just as I finished my workout and we ended up at the vet the rest of the morning.  Home by 1 o'clock, hungry (no breakfast), drained and already done with the day.  I spent the afternoon cooking and prepping for the next few days.

Up several times in the night with Jack - poor sweet boy.  He can't catch a break and neither can I!!

So ....

Today, I'm trying for a recharge moment, AGAIN!  Come on Universe ... it's time to have a good day.

Yesterday was the hardest day so far.  No breakfast because I had to rush out the door with Jack.  I was so hungry that even a big lunch didn't make up for the missed meal.  Cue the cravings.  Cue the desire to relax with food/wine.  I made it, but it was an effort.

Should I have contacted my coach?  Who knows.  What would she say - yep, it's a crappy day.  Don't have wine.  It's a Saturday - seemed wrong.

On a positive note, I feel slimmer.  Not an enormous difference in the pants fitting, but overall water retention and bloat is much better.  I'll take the win.  This means better things on the horizon.  Another week and I should see some results in my pant agony LOL.

Louie goes to his new home today.  I'll miss him, but I desperately need to lessen my dog load.  Three sick dogs, 2 fosters, fundraising events  ... it's too much right now.  I need more ME time, self-care and relaxation.  Taking 4 dogs out (because when one goes, they all want to go) every hour or so is a HUGE PAIN!! At least the messy poop clean up is over.

I'm planning a lift workout today.  Boy, my muscles are tired though.  I did an interval run on the treadmill and a long dog walk yesterday -- glad I got that in before all hell broke loose.  I might need a workout-lite week to get my muscles and energy happy again.  We'll see.  It doesn't help that my sleep is messed up, my monthly is STILL heavy (thanks travel) and I'm still early in Whole30.  I am boxing 2 times this week though - you heard it here folks!!

Okay, so much to say, but no time this morning.  Brain fog, dog needs and it's a done deal for now.  Later gators.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


What a day yesterday.  Without rehashing too many details, the Universe took a big dump on me.  Crap after crap after crap.  I was grumpy, stressed and annoyed all day.

BUT ... some good stuff.  I had a great catch-up call with a bestie.  I stuck with my Whole30 even though wine looked so good (and seemed so necessary).  Louie's mama wants him tomorrow instead of Monday (they are coming back early from their trip to get him).  Jack is on better pain meds for a horrible surgery (even though the vet said it went well).

Best part is it's OVER.  I need a recharge today.  I went to bed stupidly early last night and feel better today.

I had crazy bathroom issues last evening so keeping my eyes on a new supplement I'm taking per Project Healthy Body recommendation.  It's a turmeric blend.  Not ready to call it the cause, but I'm watching you Curcumin!  This is the only supplement I'm trying because I've had some interest in this before.  There is a big list from multivitamin through garlic stuff.  I'm not a huge fan of supplements, but I'll wait and hear some more rationale before I decide.  In the meantime, I thought this was a good one to try.  Inflammation is no bueno so if it helps ... problem is there is no actual PROOF, no way of looking at myself and seeing results.  Expensive pee as they say or a health booster?!?!

Since this week was a fat bust for ME time, I'm trying again this week.  Louie will be at this new pad, Jack should be recovering, hubby is out of town and my schedule is relatively clear.  I think, hope, pray life's little shits are over and I can relax into some good stuff.  Shhhh ... can't say this too loudly.

I revisited Gretchen Rubin's 4 Tendencies book - I'm an Obliger for most everything - hence my need for accountability outside myself for lots of things!  I've been thinking about why I need a coach to get my butt in gear when I never have before (that's why I revisited the book).  I've used outside influences all the time to get my butt to healthy, but didn't actually call it that.  i.e. my lift instructor, my need to fit into my scrubs, my healthy bestie, etc, etc, etc.  Can't let my lift instructor squish my fat, can't ask for a size up in the scrub-ex machine, want to join my bestie is some feel good stuff.  You get the idea.

Most of those outside influences are stalled or are gone.  I can't find my MUSE!!  Hence, paying for a coach.  It makes sense to me.  Maybe I'm seeing what I want to see, but I don't think so.  The bottom line is if it's working, it's working.  So far, so good.

Today is a list of catch up chores, some food prep and downtime.  I'll do an easy workout on the treadmill (see how hard I feel like pushing).  My stomach is still rumbling so no outside run LOL!!

Happy Saturday!  Later gators!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Dear Duke ...

Duke turns 2 today.  Since he's always been an owner surrender (5 different families) we actually know his real birthday.  Squeak toys, special dinner and a new bone ... for EVERY DOG!  He (they) got the first toy this morning - cue the non-stop squeaking!  We LOVE you Duke Dog!

Today is a busy Releash Atlanta day.  There's an event at Children's Hospital and Louie is going (even though he's adopted as of Monday - yea Louie!!).  We will be there all afternoon in the heat of the day - wearing our Releash shirts that show every drop of sweat.  Lovely.

My next coaching call isn't until Tuesday.  I'm encouraged to text or email if I need support, etc.  That feels strange.  I'm a little surprised my coach doesn't initiate the how's-it-going text.  I knew this upfront though.  It's easy to text with a how-to question (what's compliant on W30, what's a good recipe for chicken).  Harder to say, this is a hard night and I'm struggling to see how I'll get through the 30 days.

The good news is I'm not struggling that much, but last night was the first time I felt tired about the program (this go around).  It's been a long week and I wanted to settle in with a glass of wine.  It passed quickly, but I thought about reaching out and then thought I was being a baby about it.  I'll have to see going forward how much I "use" her.  Just knowing we have our call coming holds me to the accountability piece.

On a side note, I'm starting to dig the water with lemon.  Go figure!  It's really refreshing!  I'm still curious about how helpful it is, but in the meantime, it might be a nice summer morning drink.

Off to start the weekend!  Later gators!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Ahhhh ... sleep

I slept.  (Thank the lordy for small favors.)

This is a hectic week.  Dogs, youngest home looking for a job, hubby stressed, me stressed.  I'll be glad to have this week finished.  AND it the first week of Whole30 which is challenging from the energy perspective.

It's a strange dynamic (every time).  My energy is low, yet my energy is high.  I'm super productive, up early and easily, moving all day ... and bone-ass tired.  Like I don't want to move tired.  Like the idea of making the bed seems like I need a warm-up drill first.  STRANGE.  Every. Single. Time.  It passes after about the first week.  The productive energy stays, the mass tired goes.  Workout energy in the intense zone is always harder - no white sugar running amuck through my veins.

Speaking of workouts ... today is up-in-the-air.  I walked with Duke yesterday for my rest day (not quite 3 miles because my friend wanted to pass on the last hill - ugh), but I still feel fatigued today.  The dilemma is about the fatigue.  Am I tired enough to have a more moderate workout or can I push and do the boxing class?  It's a class with a different instructor so I don't know how hard it it (but assume it's hard).  I have an hour to figure it out.

I'm reading a really good book.  Pachinko (Min Lin Lee).  Epic novel.  Sometimes those need time to get into and can be put down easily.  Not this one.  Excellent read - I'm about 1/2 way.

I've back-burnered meditation (pretty obviously) and decided to move to podcasts.  Active inspiration.  I need to figure out how to listen to them in the car (where I have my biggest downtime). I'm slowly figuring that out.  Technology and me = not besties.

On the hot water with lemon front - I'm adding less lemon juice and it's good now (duh).  Reading a bit more on it, it looks like the benefit is the warm water -- great hydration, of course.  The lemon is a side-note.  So isn't tea the same thing??  Most of the stuff I read said the lemon isn't really important. I naturally hydrate well - always have ... so is this for peeps who need inspiration to drink water?  If so, I'm heading back to tea.  I feel like this is a fad thing - add lemon - make water better.  Stay tuned!!  Questioning "the man."

Last little review - Whole30 Day by Day book.  Great for first timers, not loving it for me now.  Oh well, I'm doing the work since I need to report it to my coach lol!

Louie meets his perspective family today - good luck little man.  That's all on the home front.  Later gators!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Seriously, Universe?!?!

When I had the conversation with Holly (my coach), we talked about giving up sweets.  We also talked about my LOVE for perfect summer watermelon and how that can be a fruit-without-brakes as it's my FAVORITE fruit (but I only eat it when it's perfect!).

Anyway ...

Yesterday, I got invited to a WATERMELON margarita and DESSERT afternoon social.  I kid you not.  OMG.  Universe, you've got a sick sense of humor!  I declined because I don't know her well enough to explain all this stuff and that would be just plain old strange to go and partake in NOTHING!!

Ugh.  This is the gal I've been trying to get to know better.  I'm disappointed!!

In other news, we got another foster dog last night.  It was a horrible night for both of us.  He whimpered ALL NIGHT LONG.  Poor little guy.  Poor me.  We slept in another room so I could put him in the bed.  It was so bad, the other dogs left the room LOL!  Tonight SHOULD be better.  Meanwhile, my brain is barely functioning.

Today is an official workout REST day, but I'm doing our 3 mile walk with Duke and a friend this morning.  The run with Duke 2 days ago was good.  Boxing yesterday was actually the best so far.  Going a little later gives me MY PEOPLE.  Middle-aged women!!  It was better paced for me (i.e. less complicated punch moves), but still a HARD workout.  I'm glad I went back.  I have renewed interest :-)

I started drinking hot water with lemon per my 5 month challenge instruction (PHB).  Not a fan ... yet.  Usually, I get into a routine and even if I don't love it, I still do it.  That happened with a green drink years ago.  It never tasted anything better than grass cuttings, but I wasn't wasting the money.  When I FINALLY finished it, I actually missed it (yet, I hated the taste and texture).  Hot water with lemon is no where nearly as unappealing!  Yea routine!

I'm super duper HAPPY I prepped a bunch of food yesterday.  I'm busy, tired and hungry today.  Today will be a hard craving day I imagine.  Whenever I'm sleep-deprived, I get nuts for sweets.  I'm not a good person without my sleep (as I complain about over and over).

That's all from here.  I have a busy Releash day (home check, applications and a hurting foster).  Walk, shower, Releash.  That's my day LOL.  Later gators.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Go big or go home.

I LOVED coaching!  Why ... because it was all about ME LOL!!  I jest, yet I don't.  It was interesting having total focus on me and, while I don't like to be center of attention in a group, it was nice being center of attention one-on-one.  With no guilt of talking all about ME.

I like Holly a lot! I follow her on Instagram - Holly Higgins, so I already knew her "voice."

My big revelation is I'm doing a trial to see if I need to eliminate desserts from my life.  This is a bit long, so bare with me. (And my idea - with her support.)

Years ago (over 20), I had a bad relationship with soda.  Drank it day and night, copious amounts.  For years I tried to moderate because I knew it wasn't good for me.  I never could.  One day I quit cold turkey and haven't looked back.  This was HARD.  It was before water bottles were a thing.  Before fizzy water was a thing.  I missed it tremendously for about a year.  BUT ...  I'm so happy I said goodbye to a relationship that was one-sided and NOT healthy.

I feel in this same place now with sweets.  I LOVE desserts, but only when I can eat stupid amounts.  One piece of cake - nope, I want 3 pieces of cake.  Two cookies - nope, half the box.  If I can't overeat it, then I can easily pass having it.  Does that make sense?  (Sick sense, but sense?!?)  Basically, I want to have a mini-binge or nothing at all.  Even if I happen to moderate it for a while, it eventually wins.

EVERY non-healthy slide in my adult life involves sweets.  It begins there, it speeds up with sweets and ends up in a pile of sweets before I pick myself up again.

I love sweets ONLY if I can overeat them.

Lordy, I WISH I could moderate.

When I did my first Whole30 I realized that I don't like sweets in the "normal" way.  They don't taste THAT good to me.  They actually are a type of "fix."  When I did another Whole30 I mentioned the idea of giving up sweets, and was talked out of it by a moderator on the forum - too extreme thinking - you can have dessert in your food freedom.  Once I posted that I WAS doing that, and got a ton of push back again, so I changed my mind AGAIN.

But this idea won't leave me.  I have a bad relationship with SUGAR, DESSERT ... whatever you want to call it.  I don't feel well when I eat it.  It's a food-without-brakes.  It starts me on an eventual slide or a fight to hold my head above water.  Dramatic?!?  Yes, but if you knew my head-talk, it's true.

I mentioned all this to Holly and we decided to make a commitment to NO sweets until after the 5 month program (PHB) ends in January.  Then I'll re-evaluate and decide next steps.

I AM a person who DOES NOT eat SWEETS.  (Whole30 believes in the power of "I am" statements.)

Now for a bit of clarification.  I'm not talking berries or fruit or just ANYTHING sweet.  I'm talking cake, cookies, pie, candy, frozen bars, etc.  Berries don't have the same trigger as berry pie.  That kind of thing.

It's a little daunting to make such a big commitment.  Go big or go home, I guess.  I didn't join all this to do the same thing.  I joined to change something in a big way.

When I think of FOREVER (or January) it seems too big.  But if I focus on today, this week ... it seems manageable.  I'll keep my focus small, more NOW centered and see how that goes.

I'm excited, nervous, hopeful and everything in-between .  Fingers crossed.  Later gators.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Coaching Premier

Today is my first coaching day.  Video chat at 5:30 tonight.  It's exciting!  I wonder what we have to talk about for an entire hour.  I guess I'll find out.  Stay tuned ...

The weekend was all about W30, dogs, workouts and that's about it.  It felt good and productive (lots of cooking).

This week is a bit hectic, yet the schedule isn't too full.  Strange.  We have another foster arriving tomorrow or Wednesday; Louie is meeting a family Thursday; Releash Fundraiser in the city on Friday.  Somehow this makes the week feel full.

I'm not having withdrawal symptoms from my sugar/junk eating, but I am feeling the first week energy drop.  Sorry muscles, no easy pure sugar running through the blood stream - you have to work for it a little.  Workouts feel HARD.  Muscles are TIRED.  Yep, Whole30.

It's so much cooler this morning and I want to run with Duke, but my legs are toast.  AND, I want to box tomorrow (which is more leg than I thought).  I guess I'll push through both and then bask in a REST day on Wednesday.

I'm looking for my "reward" this week - I planned to get a massage, but I don't know that I can fit it in.  Problem that's not a problem.

Super boring post today, but I'll end with some pictures of my grand babies.  I LOVE them!!

JuneBug doing her Kuala Bear impression.
Yep, it's a MOHAWK! 
"Grandpa" with the girls.
My favorite - shhhh.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Coaching Stuff and Dog News!

Well, it's begun.  My "coach" (lol - sounds strange) recommended this book for the Whole30 6 weeks.  I started yesterday and it's good.  Maybe a little heavy on the prep and food planning for me (would be great for a first-timer), but has some good motivational stuff.  There's something about "completing" the day that is mentally good - you know?!?

The materials started for the Project Healthy Body (PHB).  There's some initial work to do, which I'm not ready to do.  Weigh, measure, photos ... oh no.  Not yet. I'm in a place where any of those would be too hard.  I want to wait until my 6 weeks with Holly is finished.  I'll talk to her on Monday about it.  PHB is about 3 months away still.  It's always my choice, but there is no point in fighting every suggestion - I'm asking for them to show me a different way - I should listen!

Overall, I'm excited about my decision to have help getting and STAYING healthy.  Using a life coach is a bucket-list thing for me.  This sounds like as good of a time as any to check that off.  If it's not for me, then I know going forward.

And ... drumroll ... I AM A GRANNY!!! Dog-Granny, but that's even better!!  Eldest and his girlfriend adopted a bonded pair of darlings.  About 2 years old and sweet as pie!  JuneBug and Zoey (Z).  I'm meeting them today and am in LOVE already!!

June is the big one (havapoo) and Z is the little (chihuahua/yorkie).
Starting Whole30 means starting my non-food JOYS.  Today is a long needed pedicure.  Making time for me in a non-food way (can't complain about THAT!!).

I didn't get my outside run in this weekend - way too humid/hot for Duke (even walking had to be shortened).  Tomorrow is cooler so I'll do 2 weekday runs instead.  Tuesday is back to boxing.  Boy, I've lost my zeal for it completely.  Hopefully, getting back to it will reinvigorate me!!

Time to head out for a long walk with Duke before ARM day.  Later gators.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Amazon Delivers :-)

I'm trying a few new things.  Here's the scoop ...

I'm THIS person now.  Scent tree in my car.  BUT, this is an awesome smell!  Not overpowering or obnoxious.  Recommended by an Instagram "Influencer" and it really nice.  It doesn't last very long though, but they're cheap!

I use Eco88 for pet accidents, but this was recommended for all carpets stains.  I haven't used it yet, because all my stains have been pet related lately (PS this is good for pet stains too).  It's nice to have on hand just in case!

Dog smells - I'm paranoid my house smells and I don't know it.  This is the refill tub for a natural odor removing gel.  You can put it in any container.  It has a light smell, but it's designed to eliminate, not mask.  Trying it in the bathroom today.

I LOVE my ice containers for food in the summer.  I have a few bowls and trays that can be over ice. This is a flat packet where you can sit a plate to help keep at temperature.  The inside freezes and it sits in the cover (no condensation).  I'm sure it won't cover the hottest moments, but it's nice to have. I'll be trying it soon!

Friday, June 1, 2018


I took the plunge!

Life coaching here I come!  I start the Whole30 6 week program on Monday and the 5 month program in August.  Her name is Holly Higgins and she had a website, blog, etc.

I was on the fence about the 5 month program (it IS significantly more expensive per week), but my head thoughts went like this:

I'd spend that amount on a weekend away in a heartbeat.
I've spent that amount going to Tony Robbins.
Learning and trying new things is GOOD.
Improving my life SHOULD be a priority.
Worth EVERY PENNY if it makes a difference.
Hard to find a fit with coaching/therapy and this seems to be a fit.
I really like the structure of the program.
Accountability galore!
Small groups of 4 - more intimate than I thought. You are "matched" in a group.
Takes me through the holiday months when I ALWAYS need an extra something.
There's a refund after 4 weeks if it's not a good match for ME.

Since the groups are small and they are almost filled (there was no pressure at all - I asked about availability and I believe her answer).  I emailed this morning to reserve my spot.

Please, please, please let this be movement FORWARD.  I have high expectations.  Good and bad.

On the workout front for June...

(1) Boxing 2/week.  Tuesday/Thursday at 7:15.  If it's not working, I'll cancel by the end of the month and just have July left.

(2) Running 2/week with Duke outside.  Once on the weekend and then only one weekday run.

(3) Running intervals on the treadmill 1/week

The other 2 days are active rest days.  Long walks with Duke or hiking, etc.

The plan is set for June.  I'll see what needs tweaking after this month.


As far as life today ... still up in tons of crap.  Improving though.  Big guy had no accidents.  Little Louie is ALMOST having solid poops (but a couple of accidents - ugh).

I'm doing the TOTALLY WRONG thing and having some last hurrahs before my Whole30 begins.  I know it's wrong, but, well, I don't care.  I want a few days of NOT thinking about it.  Doing what I want (cue the 2-year-old fit).  I'm cooking and freezing up a storm so I'll be ready to start with a bang.  P.S. not going hog wild, but I want some sweets.  I didn't get a lot of pastries in Paris because of my stomach and I want to fill that craving.  Hitting a local pie store this weekend!  They sell mini fruit pies and they are AMAZING.  I've had a cherry or peach pie craving for months!

Okay, lots of chatting today - time to get at it.  Later gators!