Saturday, January 21, 2017

Stop the Presses ... It's READ!!

All finished.  War and Peace in the books (pun and all).  Funny enough, my favorite part of the book was the last epilogue.  A philosophical discussion on man's illusion of free-will.  I was in a mad rush as the end was pulling me faster and faster.  I might go back and re-read those final 30 pages - some deep stuff lol.  I wouldn't recommend the book to read, but I'm glad I read it.

Next week I will select my next MHP project.  I'm leaning toward Rosetta Stone if I can get it working for my February selection.  If I give it 30 - 60 min a day and see where that leaves me after 30 days.  Then I can decide if it's actually working - I'm a slow, slow goer on "language" - spoken that is ... written I get just fine.

My hair went well - got some major shaping done.  It's hard to tell right now with the keratin treatment.  I'm trying baby steps to a new style.

Dinner was delicious.  Kept it PERFECT until I got home and boarded the cookie train.  Crap.  That was emotional eating at it's finest.  We talked a lot of politics and yesterday was a heavy, sad, scary, hard day.  I ate some of those feelings last night (and the cookie were good - of course). And I'm ovulating - that's becoming more and more "a thing."

No promises for today.  Clean until the party, then who knows.  I will have wine - food TBD.  The only thing I know is no cookies post party.  I'll know very few people tonight, but one neighbor I do know is apparently doing the Whole30 and wants to chat about it.  Nice!  That will be a good reminder throughout the evening.

*TMI Alert*
I've been very bloated and gassy at night - which makes for a lot of fun going out.  My clean eating is causing some distress.  I don't know if my enzymes are "old" or what is going on.  I stopped the problematic stuff early in the week.  I hope it's okay for the next 2 nights.  Being at someone's house makes even the bathroom "off limits" if you know what I mean.
*TMI Over*

Today is the early morning lift circuit training class.  It's fun (and hard).  I'm usually glad to have it so much earlier, but this morning was a sluggish start.  Hello wine, cookies and a snoring husband - some crappy sleep or lack-there-of.  I think there is a spare-room in someone's future tonight.

Stay tuned for a party recap tomorrow.  I don't really want to go, but I hope it's one of those situations where I'm glad I did.

Time to get going.  Later gators.

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