Sunday, January 15, 2017

A Re-Read

Instead of grabbing War and Peace, I started reading though my old posts (I know ... but it's SO boring ... dare I say, I enjoy reading ME more than best-book-ever-written!!).

Holy SHIT!!  I really was ridiculously busy.  As I'm reading, I'm thinking WOW you did an AMAZING job of managing your life (and I only got through a few weeks of old posts).

I wanted to take a minute and say JOB WELL DONE.  I was feeling a bit failure-ish this morning.  This transition week was not as stellar as I'd hoped AND I'm still feeling blah AND I'm wondering how to get the "magic" back in full swing AND my new strength goal is having a slow start.

Cut a girl a break.  I ROCKED IT!!

I've impressed myself.

There is a lot of value in writing "stuff" down.  I usually don't re-read posts (more than the day before) but it's nice to have a record of my days and feeling and struggles and successes.

(And I caught a funny typo - pastries was pasties and in the sentence it became an entirely different conversation lol ... I corrected it.)

So here's a tea-with-collagen toast to ME.  You worked hard, struggled hard, succeeded hard for yourself and family and friends.  You moved forward and backward and still managed to end up ahead.

Keep rocking it, keep pushing hard, keep finding the HAPPY.  Keep being YOU.

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