Thursday, January 19, 2017

One day off.

Okay - so all day yesterday I thought it was Thursday lol.  I'm one day off.  My "weekend" in fact starts tomorrow, not today.  Now my world is back on track!

Anyway - today I'm doing a double workout (okay for this month) and taking a full rest day tomorrow (instead of tabata).  I guess my "new" schedule this month is a flexing one.  That's good - keep my body guessing and doing what makes sense.

I have tons of errands today.  I'm not sure if I'll get to all of them.  No big deal either way.  It's been a relaxing "normal" week and I really needed it.

I read 150 pages yesterday - go me.  Parts are of this volume are the best so far - makes it easier to read.  I have lots of time to kill tomorrow when the cleaning ladies are here so I should continue my progression forward with the end in full view. HUGE SMILE!

I did my meditation yesterday while listening to a monk chant.  My hope is the music will cue the meditation response after repeated exposure.  It was relaxing but didn't feel natural.  I guess one time doesn't make me an expert - ha!  Working at relaxing ... working at not trying to work at relaxing ... it plays with the brain.  And I need to remember to do it with some regularity.

I ate well yesterday.  Too many veggies though - bloated, gassy stomach as a result.  I did have a give-it-all-up moment which surprised me.  I ignored it (after I considered it - close call).  It was a "I can't do this forever" moment so "why should I try."  Those moments like to pop up.  I'm glad I tuned it out.

* brief break to help eldest with the printer *

My intention for the day is ... well ... keep the healthy habits going (including finding the HAPPY in the everyday).  Evenings make me a little nervous.  Maybe I'll be super sleepy from a good lift day today.  That helps fight the munchies.

Today is the last day for President Obama.  He and his family have served us well.  I wish we could keep him forever lol!  God helps us all as the transition begins.

Off to find some HAPPY.  Later gators.

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