Thursday, January 12, 2017

False start.

I woke up last night with a stiff, spasming neck.  It's still a mess this morning.  I keep waiting for it to "release."

I decided to cancel one of my workout classes today only to find it's a substitute all week - for everything.  I've taken one of her classes and it's not my style (old school - everyone does everything the same - injury alert).  I canceled all week.

So if my neck relaxes, I guess it's a home workout this week.  I'm very grateful to have the bar at home.  Today is an arm day.  We'll see.  My neck is a big old mess right now.

I also canceled Nerd Fitness (for a full refund).  It wasn't what I expected.  Too much "game" and made-up adventure.  Grown-ups going around pretending to track a bad guy while they are walking the dog.  Too odd for me.  I wanted fitness ... a mile walk challenge didn't cut it.  Oh well.  Good luck to all the players.  I still like the website/blog a lot.

I got my period last night too.

I can take all this misery and get it over in this week - that's a good silver lining.

Yesterday felt like a false start to my back-to-ME New Year.  I'll try again today.  Darn this neck.

I quickly moved from overwhelmed to bored.  Lol - no pleasing me!  Hopefully, I can get a few things done today.

I also need to force myself back into routine.  Being sick was no excuse to let so much slide.  Routine is my intention today.

Eat 3 meals. (I've been grazing)
Vegetables with every meal (lacking in veggie real-estate )
Take vitamins and protein (I slipped on vitamins)
Get up earlier (cold medicine was making me sleep too long)
Move more (workouts aside, I've been a couch-potato)

I can now hold my head up without help from my hands - yea neck.  Progress.

HAPPY is allusive today.  I'll see what the day brings though - you never know.  It will feel amazing to feel amazing again.  I think every part of my body is a mess today.  I have a goal of 2 days to feel great again.  My period will mellow, my cold should be over, my neck should feel better, my energy should be up (with good eating).  So HAPPY should build over these next days - just the thought of it makes me HAPPY-ier.  Later gators.

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