The week begins again. This weekend was busy, fun, full of VARIETY ... but I'm (again) HAPPY to have a normal, routine week ahead.
I need some "nesting" time. Some ME alone time.
The war on this election has really left me drained. Facebook is trembling with hate. I de-friended again. It makes me sad. I don't see an end to the name-calling, divisive, threatening words I see and hear. I might need a break from it.
This is a good time to practice inner peace (and boy do I need the practice).
Workout today is an interval run. I have a love/hate relationship with intervals. It's awesome to finish it, painful to do it and hard to want to get it started. But I will. I always do.
Post run is a 90 min massage. Hindsight says I should have waited until Wednesday (a massage after a weekend of treats doesn't feel as rewarding). But, hey, a massage is a massage. It will be good.
There is about a week and a half left of January. My plan is to finish a book a friend gave me (on creating a great routine) and take this time to get organized and ready for February's goals (which I'm still planning). Nesting, slowing down a bit, re-focusing. Back to basics. Cooking, routine, reflection, space between the craziness. Sounds like a plan.
Okay my pretties - enough said. I need to create an intention for today and let it work it's magic. Later gators. Monday has begun.
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