The difference ONE day of clean eating makes -- woke up easily, energy up immediately, HAPPIER mood. Just one day.
Now for day 2. (Probably cue the headache today ... so much sugar lately will probably give me some issues for the next couple of days.)
This morning we are postponing our hike until later and I'm making a donut run to two fancy donut shops. My youngest is home to work and is stopping over this morning. We don't want to miss it. For me it will be COFFEE (yea) and my W30 breakfast.
No workout today. Rest day.
Then some errands and some cooking. TBD on those fronts. I don't "need" anything for a couple of days (thank you freezer stash) but I want to be prepared. I also want to keep moving this afternoon. Yesterday was a chill day, but two in a row becomes lazy.
I'm still having a lot of issues with the hate and all the horrible executive orders being made by our leader (and I use that term loosely). It's making me sad and scared. I've never felt this before. And people continue to amaze me. These are educated, middle class, middle aged people I call friends (not close friends, thankfully) who are acting and hating in this way. It's leaving me with this feeling of dread ... everyday about everything. I need to find a way to get-a-grip. Part of the "sad" is I don't want them in my life AT ALL. Some I have severed ties, but others are complicated.
Okay, enough this morning. My intention today is to see the good in people. I need to have my faith in this country, in my friends, in people in general restored. That won't happen today, but I can look for the good in the good people I know.
Later gators.
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