Sunday, January 15, 2017

Fine Tuning

I made it yesterday with a "healthy choices" day in the books.  That's 2 (if you're counting).  But I did  eat too much.  I did a big graze through all the healthy food I made (it was good though!).

Today is a fine tuning day.  Three meals (with maybe one small mini-meal).  I need to get back to that healthy routine.  Part of my problem is my neck hurts, so the afternoon is spent sofa bound with a heating pad.  Bored = stuff my face.  Not the best routine.

I don't know what's up with my neck.  It's actually more in my trap and shoulder now ... just an ache ... like a headache in the muscle.  Did I do that all from a weird sleeping position?  I'm wondering if this is a lifting injury.  Advil and heat help.  With the cold and the neck, I'm on this steady stream of lots of pills - I don't like it.  I think I need to do a modified workout today.  Nothing with the bar on my back.  It's feeling a lot better, but the ache continues on.  Maybe like a pinched nerve?  I'm going to google that!

I also need to read more War and Peace (broken record).  I got through about 50 pages last night.  I have to push hard because I am quickly losing interest (for the millionth time).  The HAPPY is in finishing this goal ... certainly not with the reading.  Remind me why this was a good idea lol?  It's clogging my other "stuff" and I need to set an end date.  January 31.  You heard it here first.  Now I have a goal and a time frame to beat.

Today is another blah day.  With our Steelers gathering canceled, my neck hurting and football on all day there is not much interesting happening.  (A good day to read!!)  I still need to make up the bedrooms, but I'll see how my neck feels.

I hope I'm gathering speed and strength toward my healthy routine again (2 days!!).  I want to kick it up a notch today.  Again, fingers crossed, mouth closed.  My intention is to get stuff done today.  I also want to start to plan some HAPPY for the week.  I LOVED my old routine, my old balance ... I want to find it again.  I'm the only one holding me back.  I know how to do it - so just do it.

Later gators.

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