Yep. Another crappy day. It started well, but my neck got the best of me. Sofa bound with muscle relaxers (and later narcotics) left over from my back injury 2 years ago. Expired, but with still a little of the good stuff left. I ate all afternoon ... junk. I feel it today in a big way.
So what about today? Another start-over, but it's got to be the real deal today. I PROMISE. Do you hear that?!?! I PROMISE. I need to remember this today (and I'll probably check back later for some written support lol).
This FUNK is a combination of the perfect storm (cold, period, neck) AND that red zone after-the-crazy-ends that I was expecting. The combination is hitting me hard. I need my control back zippy quick. The refrigerator is filled with good options, I just need to choose them!!!
No workout today. My neck needs to heal. I tried to walk yesterday and it was a mess.
I have the refrigerator and garage repair men coming today. Hubby will be home early (that will help me stay accountable). And that's it. I can't move much until my neck is better (it does feel better this morning). I might try for a nail appointment later if my neck is okay - but probably it's best for tomorrow.
Thank God for do-overs.
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