It seems a bit early on the calendar this year - so it took me by surprise. Eldest has the day off, hubby doesn't. It feels more significant this year with the horrible day that awaits us on Friday. When there are great men and women in the world (hello MLK) and this country elects an ass - it's just that much more important.
Anyway ... back to me lol.
Yesterday was a stellar day. Mood was upbeat, attitude was solid, day was HAPPY.
I got my new-to-me phone. Love it so far. Sometimes I need a push.
Read a lot of War and Peace - progress! I should move to book 3 by tomorrow.
Ate 3 healthy meals. Stopped the grazing. Resisted the game goodies (including calzones!). Oh the heavenly smells!
Workout was strong. I did a full lift workout. Neck is no worse off. Slowly improving. And, yes, it can all be from sleeping wonky - thanks WebMD.
Steelers won.
Today is a modified workout. I'm trying to get back to my regular schedule. I'll do a couple of treadmill intervals and some tabata stuff. Hopefully, tomorrow will put me back on schedule. I have a "new" January schedule, but I haven't been able to try it yet.
I have some house stuff to get done today (bills, etc). I'll probably push back the guest room cleanup until tomorrow. Since eldest is off, I think I'll hang with him this afternoon and do something fun.
I woke up this morning feeling a lot like the new-old me. Yea! Other than my neck thing, I feel good. I still need to string some more days together before it feels natural again. The cravings (and habits) are strong in the afternoon and evening. Being healthy can be hard at times, but it is ALWAYS worth it!!! Morning-ME needs to remind evening-ME that sitting in front of the TV mindlessly eating is NEVER worth it.
Reviewing my posts yesterday was the boost I needed to adjust my attitude. Ups, downs, struggles, solutions, successes. All there in black-and-white. It was a good reminder. ME now is much healthier than ME a year ago. I'm stronger, happier, more balanced, more relaxed than I have been in a long time. I don't want to slide back.
I've learned it doesn't always need to be hard, but it does always require effort. The "hard" doesn't last long when the healthy habits are in full swing. Healthy habits are in full swing with effort.
My intention for today is to continue reinforcing the healthy habits (especially 3 meals) AND to remember to breath and enjoy the day AND to be grateful for what today brings. That's a lot of INTENTION lol!
(Saying this reminds me to start up my 5 min meditation that never really got started - oooops!)
This post is a long one! Off to have a HAPPY day. Later gators.
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