Friday, January 3, 2020

The Good and the Sad

I'll start with the sad news.  We took our sweet Parker to the vet yesterday because he's been having a hard time walking, acting strange, eating differently.  The vet said it won't be long now ... about 1-3 months.  We've changed his medication, have a plan and will keep him comfortable until he says it's time.

Oh my sad heart.  I love this dog.

I knew this time was quickly approaching.  A 100 lb dog who's almost 13-1/2 years old ... the odds weren't in our favor.

Enough sad for now.  Love hard, loose hard.  It's going to be a rough time saying goodbye.

Watching us play cards on Christmas.
Goofy boy XOXO


Switching gears ...

I listened to a couple of podcasts yesterday.  Oprah's Super Soul Conversation with Bishop TD Jakes. Oh my.  It was GOOD!!  I won't do any of it justice -- it's only about 30 minutes.  Give a listen if you are interested -- so many take-aways.  I have 2 pages of notes (I listened to it twice).

I also listened to Brooke Castillo's latest #301.  She hasn't been clicking with me lately -- lots of business stuff and super deep dives into some of her concepts.  I love her work, love the message, but 300 podcasts later, I was bound to find some disconnection too.  This podcast brought her back to resonating with me (after she rambles about how much money she makes -- as SHE says, she's not for everyone).

Anyway, Brooke talked about taking this year for a breath, not growth.  She wants to stop and stabilize where she and her business are right now.  Both have grown (and changed) rapidly; she wants to let that growth sink in.  She's reached a number of her goals and before she reaches for the next level, she wants to take a few beats.

Yes, stabilize the base.

This is what I've been trying to put into words about this year's overriding goal -- but haven't found a clear way to say it.  I've grown INSIDE in the last few years (reached a lot of my goals) and I need a beat to stabilize that growth.  Remember all the things that work for ME.  (I know because I've spent a lot of time practicing and figuring this out.)

Sit with MYSELF.  Sit with the guidance that resonates with me.  Stop some of the extra noise and crazy train of learning new things.  This doesn't mean NO learning or no tweaks ideas, etc.  It means focusing MOST of my learning time on my BASE, not the next shiny idea or new way to write a goal, etc.  Listening, reading, watching things that reinforce my BASE.  Practicing these things, not focusing on experimenting with so many new ideas and new gurus.

The oldies, but goodies.

Thanks, Brooke for putting the words what I've been trying to articulate.

As far as other goals and such ... still on the fence and I'm going with that ... feeding my BASE and then having FUN with some other goals.  More on all this ... I'm finally into the swing of my 2020 cliche LOL.

Happy Friday.  Later gators.

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