Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Mixing It Up

Feels about right ... woke up Monday on the left and moved to the right ... LOL.  Oldie, but goodie.

Yesterday was a found "free" day, but I had to make use of it because pickup for Bear is probably later this week and it takes almost a full day.

I headed to a couple of grocery stores and did a big cook up.

First up ... NomNom Paleo Wonton meatballs.  I substituted turkey for the pork and they are incredible (!!)  It's one of the goodies for the Super Bowl.  I'll freeze them today -- I made a double batch so I'll have a pullout for another time.  Lots of steps, lots of clean up, but worth it.

Then I made Well Fed's Chocolate Chili.  It cooks up like hotdog chili -- looks like nothing but finely cooked ground beef in sauce and, boy it's yummy.  It's my favorite chili -- no chunks, no beans.  Cooked up some tortilla chips for hubby (left over tortillas cut and baked) and he used it as a dip chili.

Finally, I tried Well Fed's canned salmon sweet potato cakes.  Lots of work for these too and they were just okay.  Not worth the big effort -- including "cleaning" the canned salmon.  I won't make them again.  Nom Nom Paleo has tuna cakes that taste similar and are much simpler to make.

We hung the spare room pictures and I'm super happy how it turned out.  Forgot to take pictures (too dark now), but I'll post them this week.  I also got "influenced" and have something new to share.  Maybe tomorrow's post ... a cliff hanger LOL.

We had some family drama yesterday and I had to hold boundaries, have my back and say some direct things (nicely).  Not easy and doesn't feel very good.  Keeping my mouth shut and being walked over doesn't feel good either.  Teaching people that I have a different standard takes time and makes for uncomfortable situations.

Since we don't have Bear yet, I'm doing some of the dress shopping today.  I'm going to the second choice store ahead of shopping with my girlfriend tomorrow.  I needed to move it to today because I might need to pick him up on Thursday -- holding pattern is a bit annoying but can't be helped.

I ran outside for 2 plus miles and my right hamstring hurts again.  I stopped because it started while I was running.  Too soon I guess.  I worked on my posture and leg rotation.  It felt okay.  My left I.T. band feels fine though.  Progress?!?!  I hope so.

My CA girlfriend and I are chatting about our Austin trip this afternoon.  I'm looking forward to this trip so much.  Time with one of my favorite people, great city, fun accommodations and nothing but girl time all weekend.

We got our first estimate to finish the room over the garage.  It's framed, plumbing is run, electric is run and it's relatively small.  5 weeks -- $25K plus to finish.  Wow.  Price and time shock.  Also, labor is hourly.  Ouch.  This contractor is a friend of a friend, so there's some trust, but you see what needs to be done.  Why can't the job be priced outright?  I don't think we are going with this contractor.

Rest day for working out, but I need a long meditation.  My headspace is wonky.  Between the family stuff and being worried about finding a dress (silly, I know), my stomach is in knots.  Need to take some calming breaths and get some perspective.  (And, you know I'm going to "ask" for good shopping vibes LOL -- can't hurt.)

Tomorrow I'll chat about WHY dress shopping is hard for me.  Hint ... it might have something to do with the list of 58 things that are a MUST have in the dress.  Picky much?  Other over-perspiring people will get me though.  Solidarity in sweat mark anxiety LOL.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

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