Tuesday, January 7, 2020

All Cried Out

For now ...

Here's some other scoop.

I did NOTHING yesterday but sit on the sofa, rest my back and watch TV.  I started Virgin River on Netflix.  It's okay.  A little bit over the top as it goes on.  EVERYONE has something dark and hard in their past and lots of the characters are heroes at every turn.  Saving lives, changing lives, understanding about everything, in love, etc.  It's a bit gag worthy at times.

I gave it a break and moved onto Sister Wives.  Judge me not.  I've watched this since the beginning and it's my secret, guilty pleasure.  My real sister watches it too and we chat about it every episode.  I like this family and I'm shocked by this family (not the multiple wives, just the decisions they make).  I'm routing for them and for their family's success AND I love watching all the crazy unfold.

Then I watched old episodes of Criminal Minds.  Told you, it was a NOTHING day.

That said, I have some interesting woo woo to tell.  Bare with me, it's a little convoluted.

Ask and It Is Given is a total woo woo book about manifesting.  There are many methods listed for achieving what you need -- some basic, some really over-the-top.  Anyway, one take away from the book is using a technique of The Placemat.  On one side you write down thing-you-will-handle.  On the other side your write down things-the-universe-will-handle.

Then you throw the paper away.  Do this once -- you asked.  Don't need to repeat it.  Don't need to laminate it on the refrigerator.  Believe it's been heard and the universe is working to take care of its list.

From the practical side of things, it's a good way to relieve stress about things you feel out of control about fixing.  You release it to a higher power.  Have faith things will work out in the best way possible.

I did this once before ... asked the universe to help with the sale of the house, placement of our foster dog and one other thing that I can't remember LOL.  All the things got taken care of almost immediately.  It was CRAZY.

Lately, I've been stressed about 3 things.  (1) Parker's passing.  (2) Hubby getting a job.  (3) Wedding Shower.

I wrote The Placemat a few days before the end of the year.

(1) Parker's passing --- I wanted it to be peaceful.  I didn't want him to slow decline because being joyful was so much a part of this sweet boy.  It was just as it needed to be -- I asked and it happened.  P.S. This was part of my faulty thinking since he died -- did I wish this quick passing into happening?  I'm grateful for a quick end that was coming regardless.

(2) Hubby's job -- he has a few interviews that he got called on this week.  Nothing definitive, but things are moving again.

(3) Wedding Shower -- I've been STRESSED about this.  Take my word that it had become a potential for a small turn out and a boring event.  Random, distance scattered people, horrible date options and nothing exciting to do based on the diverse group.  I have researched, asked everyone I know who has been to showers lately, made calls, researched more.  STRESS (!!)  BTW, my DIL is having a huge shower up north with her family, a work shower and a friend's weekend in the Hamptons.  I wanted to cancel, but I felt horrible.

Yesterday the idea solidified (with help from a conversation with a girlfriend).  Long story a bit shorter.  DIL, her mom and I are going to a fancy spa for 6 hours of pampering on my tab.  Bonding with the ladies of the family.  Special day.  It works on every level.  Turns out, DIL was also concerned about the logistics of a traditional shower.  Phew.

2 out of 3 Universe.  You are rocking it.  I best get at my side of the list (not shocker ... eating better, thinking better, etc).

Does this really work?  Was it happening anyway?  I don't know, but what I do know is I instantly felt better when I wrote it out.  That was the goal -- good to feel good.

I've rambled a lot this morning.  My back is better, not perfect.  I'm doing a light workout and seeing what's happening.  Time to move a little today.  Later gators.

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