Sunday, September 25, 2016

Where is Heck is Fall??

Yesterday was hot ... hot and humid.  Not the kind of day that just peaks at a high temperature for a minute but otherwise comfortable - if only.  Yesterday felt like mid-July.  Hot and humid from the start to finish.  Blazing sun ... the works.

But it was super fun.  I love watching golf.  Extra fun with friends.  VIP was not as good as previous years, but still free (especially cold drinks) and nice air-conditioned bathrooms.  Both were appreciated.

My back is tired from standing so much (reminiscent of work).  Walking is so much easier.  We did that too.  Combination of hot, walking, standing - I was bushed last night.

But I didn't sleep well.  Toss and turned and sweated like crazy.  I think ovulation-time is becoming a real "thing" for me.  Cravings, mood, sweaty, water retention, boobies swollen ... not fun.  Hopefully, today will be the last of it.  I recognized the cravings last night and put a stop to snacking my way through the evening - progress.

I'm up early to run.  Looking forward to it, but I actually feel a bit run down this morning.  Yesterday? Ovulation?  I don't know.  I hope I feel better when I start the run.

Tomorrow is hike day.  I'm bagging it.  It was planned as a real-deal hike - beautiful, challenging.  One person mentioned she could go only if the hike was local.  The "cool" hike is changed to basically a walk in the neighborhood.  I don't know the ladies well (except for my friend who invited me to the group - she can't come).  It feels weird and not fun.  Sometimes even YES doesn't come together.  There will be other chances. (And I have plenty of people to hike with - even if this group ends up a bust for me.)

Nothing else on the agenda today.  Actually, today and tomorrow are open.  I need it.  I love adding VARIETY.  I love going, going, going and having fun.  But I need calm, down-time too.  Reading on the porch sounds nice (but probably too hot lol).  The friends we watch the Steelers game with won't be home so that leaves us on our own (also a nice break).

Weather man promises (again) that a cool front is coming through this week and there might be a couple of season-appropriate temperatures this week.  I've heard it before - all broken promises lol!  But fall has to come eventually - right?!?!

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