Thursday, September 1, 2016

Let the Weekend Begin ...

... after a good night's sleep.

I'm SO excited to be down to 2 shifts - goodbye traffic, goodbye backache, goodbye call ... yea!

Today felt better on the eating front.  No cravings at all.  Ate a good (but big) dinner and felt "done."  Belly full, body tired, mind accomplished and ready for bed.

Tomorrow will be fun.  Tabata (finally - I've missed it), lunch with an old high school friend (at the "fancy" mall), errands to avoid the cleaning ladies, sofa time with hubby and Game of Thrones.  Sounds like a winner to me.

Labor Day Weekend and I'm over grilled stuff.  Summer is LONG in the south.  I've been hunting for a new recipe to try this weekend.  I'll do some more searching tomorrow.  A home cooked dinner sounds like a plan this weekend.  Maybe I'll just do burgers and homemade french fries.  Hubby would be happy and it works for me too.  Easy to shop and make too.  Okay - I'll postpone the new recipe thing - it's a plan!

Goodnight all.

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