One of the lessons gleaned from The Happiness Project was the idea of "being ME." Being true to myself ... accepting who I am ... accepting my likes and dislikes.
This is not to be confused with not growing, not changing, not challenging conceptions, not try new and different.
It's things like - I like to get 8+ hours of sleep. Shouldn't apologize for it, shouldn't try to be discrete about it, shouldn't worry that others may find it lame - lol. I own it. It's me. I feel my best with regular, good sleep. Being ME. (But when circumstances exist - either for want or need - I am fine with nights of less-than in the sleep department.)
That philosophy helped me edited my List.
The number 60 is "my" number this week. 60 on the List. Day 60 of W30 today. I did it. Tried the W30 for 60 days (I get that sounds weird - now it should be W60 - except it isn't!). I was curious to see if 60 days would yield even more amazing results. But 60 days is a long time to put friends on hold, social life on hold-ish. Luckily, logistics happened in my favor and I was glad to take advantage of a rare schedule.
Good news is I don't feel any better than I did 30 days out. That's good because I don't feel compelled to extend. This IS how I feel when I eat well. Sure, over lots more time, there might be slightly more "good" to be had, but it will crimp my LIFE living! I know my "top" level - the level where I want exist to be healthy and happy.
Now the challenge is keeping this level of GOOD with still living my social life. Not surprisingly, this is a harder challenge for me. Gray areas mean head conversations, bartering, mental fatigue. Black and white is easy. No need to think - it just is.
Things for me to remember:
Let HEALTH dominate the reasons why (not just pants fitting).
Focus EVERY social event on the event (fun, friends, family, etc). Food/drink should always be down on that list (it can still make the list, but not the primary focus).
Sitting on the sofa isn't SPECIAL. This doesn't count as a reason to indulge.
Off to start my day. Tabata this morning (yea - it's been a couple of weeks), lunch with a friend and a Costco run. Later gators.
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