Saturday, September 17, 2016

Something Interesting.

I expected to be full of cravings today with the left-over goodies haunting me.

But something interesting instead.

I feel yucky.  I feel like that wasn't worth it.  I actually feel like the goodies are gross.  The thought of sweets, wine, cheese  - not good.  Makes me actually feel a little queasy.  And I didn't have that much.  I really did pace myself and the treats after dinner were minimal (by my old standards).

I want my healthy eats today.

Good lord.  Could this be the progress I need??  Did 60 days cement some good habits in a way that 30 days didn't quite accomplish?  Praise be if that's the case.

I am very relieved in this moment. I was worried a treat meal was going to start me on the slide again.

I think I'm okay.  HAPPY day.

(P.S. light blue, almost gray on my toes - looked for a light pink - no luck, but HAPPY with my choice.)

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