Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11th

So many lost that day.  Some friends, all heroes.  We will always remember. XO

I finished The Happiness Project book yesterday.  Turns out when I read awake (not sleepy before bed) the reading goes faster lol.  It was a lot of words for thought.  I used the highlighter function and want to go back and read my highlights tomorrow.  Good quotes, good ideas.  I think I might check out her blog too.

Started the Longevity book.  Mainly base level "how your body works" information.  Parts of a cell, organs, etc.  So far, not info that's helpful.  I'm scanning more than reading, but I'll scan the rest.  Can't hurt.

I'm up before my alarm.  A bit "forced" since I didn't want an actual alarm to go off (wake hubby on weekend).  When I woke up to go to the bathroom, I stayed aware of the time.  I want to run outside, but I want to still run in the dark (weird I know).

Advantages of the dark:
I wear an oversized reflector vest so I can wear anything underneath.
Run in the street.  I can see cars coming to jump on sidewalk (sidewalks are so uneven for running).
No sunscreen, hat or glasses needed.
People can't "really" see me!!
Way, way less pedestrian traffic.  Pain to run around dogs, kids, chatty lady groups, etc.
Workout finished early!!

I want just one day of outside running.  So one day I need to get up early.  Seems reasonable to me.  I need to keep up the getting up, getting going, active days ... otherwise I can (and will) become a blob on the sofa.

So I did one thing ahead of MHP tomorrow (but I'll still put it on my list!) ... changed my password to an empowering message.  I've heard that before and was reminded reading the book.  So every time I log on the computer I need to "think" and write that message.  Turned out it was a pain to do ... lesson in frustration and patience.  And the computer wasn't happy with my choice of empowerment - the nerve.  We finally agreed lol.  The task was not happy, but the result is ... suck it computer!!

I really have nothing in particular planned today.  I might start my list today ... at least start a sloppy copy to get the brain juices flowing.

I need to cook too.  On empty and even when I'm not working it's a problem to cook every meal to order.  I get hungry and coming home to cook (sometimes takes 45 mins or longer) is not a good option all the time.  I was scrambling yesterday.  I don't want to eat just eggs and green beans!!

I'm finally getting in a good head space about stopping the "all" this Friday for my happy hour night.  It's time.  I need to make that balance happen.  I also need to understand that BALANCE is WORK too.  All too easy for me to forget.  The focus will be on friends, fun, entertaining, etc and I will also enjoy some wine (not a bottle, but enough).  Then life will continue just like today.  Eating healthy, no junk, no drinking.  When a special occasion happens - I can choose what I want.  When it's not special, then I choose HEALTHY.

Okay - off to run.  Later gators.

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