Prepped and ready for tonight. Just a couple of last minute things, but otherwise I'm ready.
Thought I'd check in and realign my plan for tonight. It's already getting tough. Prepping the usual suspects of a delicious night (cheese tray, goodies, etc) has me really in WANT mode. Even washing the wine glasses has me practically drooling.
My plan for tonight is to eat well. I made lots of compliant, delicious (even if the meatballs are dry) food options. There is no need go into stuff-my-face mode. It's that old all-or-nothing sneaking up on me again.
My focus needs to be on friends and fun - not just the food.
I'm not making excuses, but being at the hight of PMS is not making it easy. I'm hungry, craving junk, feel tired, etc. All the things that make me want to eat. I'm actually considering a nap (cue gasp!) ... I'm that blah right now.
Actually, a nap might be just what I need to perk-up (without the help of sugar). I haven't showered yet so a nap is possible lol.
Okay - tomorrow will reveal the good, bad and ugly of tonight. Later gators.
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