Thursday, September 15, 2016

Barbells and Meatballs

I'm trending for the second week in a row ... weight lifting and afternoon in the kitchen.  Last week it was baking, this week it's meatballs (two ways) and Thai dipping sauce (for veggies appetizer).

Good news is my stomach is more settled this morning.
Less good news - it's that time of month (in a few days).  Cue the less-than-happy mood.  And I know, I know - I have the "power" to change my attitude, but the grumpy keeps sneaking in.

And the craving to eat junk is lingering around every corner.  Just in time for my dinner party tomorrow.  I need to be VERY careful.  I will have wine tomorrow.  Gladly, joyfully but it needs to hold at SOME wine.  I don't want to be a drunk at my own party (since it's been over 2 months since I drank - I'll be a light weight) AND I don't want to set my stomach up for mass hysteria over the weekend.  Okay.  Plan in place.  Now to remember it when I've had a couple of glasses of wine!!

Yesterday was AWESOME.  Just a perfect blend of a day.  Dog joy (one of my favorite joys), great company, opportunities for an open mind and generous spirit - that I didn't ignore (but had to consciously acknowledge - progress) and time with hubby in the evening.

Today is a simple day.  Workout and cooking.  That's it.  But I have plans to make simple FUN and HAPPY.  I need simple days sometimes.  No make-up, no hair styling, breather from MHP, break from "thinking" like crazy ... simple.

Not even a dog walk this morning.  My old man is zonked from the long hike and all the excitement yesterday.  Gave him his pill for his aching bones (per the vet) and letting him rest.  He was so HAPPY yesterday.  It was contagious.  I LOVE dog joy.

Next week I'll get to my set-up for MHP documentation (start a book), take some pictures, etc.  And I'll start looking at my list for the NEXT check mark.  I have some I'm really excited to start.

Time to hit the kitchen.  Getting the crockpot (W30) meatballs started before my lifting class.  I love that class (I know I've only gone once).  The equipment is really nice.  If I still love this class (and get through the next couple of months injury-free), I'm getting a set for Christmas.  Already priced it out. Not expensive at all.  When I buy exercise stuff, I use it - hubby never gives me grief about it either - win, win. (I typed that as "wine, wine" - guess I know where my subconscious is hanging!)

Later gators.

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