Thursday, June 29, 2023

Finally Birthday Celebration

Last night marked my final birthday celebration -- that was a long one this year!  Date night to another downtown restaurant.  The menu changes every month -- farm to table, lots of vegan and GF.  

Vegan, GF lentil enchiladas

Watermelon gaspacho,
hubby's handcut parm fries

The day was good too.  

Teahouse (on repeat) to read and chill.  It was in full Asheville mode with locals.  Then to the Asheville Art Museum.  I saw some interesting things, chatted with a few people and that was that.  I'm not much of an art museum goer, but it was something to try.  Fantastic views from the top patio.

Today's my final full day for this trip.  Lunch with my neighbor at a vegan restaurant, teahouse (don't judge me lol) and home to start cleaning.  

This has been quite a run of full days.  Lots going on through the 4th -- then some downtime.  Guess I'm building stamina.  I want to do a birthday reflection post and chat about what's happening for this year for FS and goals and such, but I haven't had enough quiet time to write and think.  It's coming -- in July, a bit late.

Have a great day.  Later gators.

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