Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day Lions

I finished the lions for hubby for Father's Day.  Nothing like last minute.  He wanted 2 to put on an outside banister (male and female -- it's subtle lol).  It took a long time -- and many days of "painting block" to get started.

Scary phase ...

A little better

Finally starting to look like a lion.

Male lion

Female on right ...
tried to paint a softer, wider face

It's a very different style than the Happy Rocks.  These are much easier to start -- no blank rock performance anxiety.

I get excited about trying the more realistic rocks, but then get stuck easily.  I want to do one more lion (to keep) and a mouse.  Thinking about the next collection idea -- no ideas so far though.

I did a "thing."  Signed up for the next level hike -- 9 miles, fast.  I'm not sure I qualify and so far I'm the only one signed up (strange) and it might rain.  Lots of points against, but I went for it and I hope I get to give it a go on Wednesday.  It's a trail I know well and it's early in the morning -- both points in favor.  The level I hike now is too easy.  I'd like a challenge, but still concerned about my back.  Feels like a fun thing leading up to my birthday next week.

Speaking of upcoming birthday, I decided to drop the Little By Little goals this year.  Last two years I had to stop the physical goal (back injury) and I over performed the other goal.  Since I focus on future self each day, I think that fits better right now.  There was nothing I felt inspired to try.  It's about results by doing something small, consistently and not the check-list mentality.  My ideas were check-list and/or not Little by Little goals.  If something comes to mind in the future, I'll bring it back.

I finished this book.  It was good -- bit sad at times, but I liked the author's writing a lot and the ending was uplifting.

Today should be a fun day.  Heading for pickle ball for 2 hours this morning with the kids.  I'm a spectator with my back, but it's in a park so I should get to walk around a bit too.  Lunch after with everyone.  

Hope you have a good day.  Later gators.

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