Monday, March 28, 2022

Putting It Into Action

Brooke Castillo talks about PASSIVE ACTION.  Reading books, listening to podcasts, journaling, thinking.  All valuable, but with the intention of using the knowledge to DO THE THINGS.

That's what I did yesterday.  The journal list of Cheer Up things?  I used it yesterday.  Painted another rock, went to the park with hubby and the dogs to get a change of scenery.  Super small.  Small for the win though.  Elevated my day just a little.  And the important part of this list?  Everything is doable with JUST ME (even though hubby went with me -- could go to the park myself).  That's a big caveat.  

I'm using the philosophy that brought me out of the pandemic low in 2020.  Do one small thing.  Next day, do another.  No rush.  No extreme push.  Slow and steady.  I'm also using the Gap and the Gain idea -- when I notice I fall into gap-thinking, I remind. myself of my gains and think those thought instead.  It's not about NOT going into the gap, it's about not staying there past the usefulness.  

Bookclub was short and sweet.  Only 3 of us for 30 minutes.  We didn't feel like chatting about the plot of the book given the controversy, but chatted about the controversy and personal lives.  It was actually nice. I'm glad to be back.

Spanish class this evening.  I practiced everyday, but I'm in over my head a bit.  Speaking is the biggest learning curve.  I can do it, but awkwardly and very one-word-at-a-time kind of thing.  I'll keep going.  Definitely leaning toward private tutoring for a session while I catch up -- I'll email her next week to see about that option.

When we took the dogs to the park yesterday, I found a rock to paint.  Stay tuned.  The plan is to paint and return it to the park.  I got some more prep materials, brushes and paints to give this a go.  It's my rock-of-the-day today.

What else?  I'll start emptying the veggie pot on the porch ahead of planting in a couple of weeks.  

It's also a DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY today.  3 years in this current house AND 1st wedding anniversary for the kids.  We sent them a gift card for Framebridge for wedding photos since #1 is PAPER.  I won't gift them every year -- only the special ones.  

I'll leave you with my rock painting from yesterday.  Not bad, but I turned it over to spray the back before the front was fully dry.  It picked up a little of the cardboard box on the flower -- kind of looks like shading though.

Happy Monday.  Later gators.

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