Thursday, March 17, 2022

Post PT

I had a good-ish appointment yesterday.  Seems like all the modalities are on the same page.  T11 is stiff and a bit out of wack.  Herniated disc(s) lower causing the pain.  This is a SLOW, LONG recovery process.  Dang.

He gave me stretching exercises to do before walking and again in the afternoon.  Then he did a deep tissue (massage) along my spine and back muscles -- this was the less good part.  It was painful and left me in quite a state yesterday.  My entire back hurt and I was nervous for this morning.  I feel a bit better -- sore, but better so I'm not worried anymore.  He swore he wasn't causing damage -- just breaking up the tension, but the way I felt was concerning.  

I have marching orders for stretching and walking until the next appointment in 2 weeks.  Next week is the chiropractor.  My goal for working out in the beginning of April was too ambitious.  Shooting for end of April now.

I need to accept this is the process and not rush anything.  Rushing will take me back to square one and that would be the pits.  PT said the same as the everyone else -- I won't know if I've overdone it until the next morning.  Basically, no warning signs ahead -- do too much, swelling builds overnight and bam. 

I know there are lessons is all of this for me, but I'm not ready for that yet.  First step is accepting and I'm working on that mindset.

Speaking of which, I have a SCS 20 minute coaching call today.  I'm not sure what I want to chat about.  Spanish?  My back?  My feelings?  Stay tuned ...

Oh -- and Happy St. Pat's Day.  I thought about making a GF Irish soda bread, but I changed my mind.  I've been eating a lot of white carbs and that's no good for inflammation, my mood and my jeans.  There's always next year.

That's all from here.  I plan to start doing a few more things next week and slowly building.  Can't say it'll be interesting, but maybe I'll have something else to chat about :)  Later gators.

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