Sunday, March 27, 2022


Bookclub this afternoon after missing 2 months (Spanish class).  This is the controversial book pick that Jen Hatmaker "canceled" after realizing more about the situation (American Dirt).  Not sure where the conversation will lead given we probably aren't talking about the book (I read it a couple of years ago).  Probably more a conversation about why it shouldn't have been picked.

I experimented with the paint pens and rocks.  Finally got a cute one after a couple of flops.  Learning curve for me as most crafty things are when I start.  It's harder than it looks!  I ordered a few more painting supplies for the darker rocks and rocks I find outside that aren't as smooth.  This is a fun little project -- paint one rock, spend an hour, do as a group, "plant" them in nature for people to enjoy, etc.  

I might need to delay some of the things I need hubby's help with this week.  He spent a LONG day on the move yesterday.  GF wasn't packed AT ALL -- didn't even do the dishes.  Good lord.  Our youngest was upset about it, but what could you do at that point.  Hubby broke his only RX sunglasses and has a bunch of things to catch up on today.  He has a full week with work, a new job interview (2 big conference calls) and a trip to Asheville for the HVAC service.  One thing I know -- read the room; not the time for my little chores.

I'm feeling good about climbing out of this funk and back to moving forward.  I'm almost finished reading The Gap and the Gain (recommended by my life coach).  It's been timely and good reminder.  I've been focusing on the gap -- reminding myself to look at the gain. Worth the read.

I also made a list of things that I CAN do that are cheerful or grounding.  When I hit the afternoon blues, I pick something from the list.  Good news is it should be something I can always do (lots of variety) -- regardless of the circumstances of the day (my back, tired, etc).

On that note, I'm going to get going.  Painting another rock this morning for practice.  Have a good day -- later gators.

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