Thursday, March 3, 2022

Ortho Update

Survey says ... herniated disc.

Treatment is PT.  If I get another flare up then MRI and injection.  

Bad news:  
It's going to take time and no Peloton until absolutely no pain.
PT's first available appointment is in 2 weeks.
Often flare ups occur while you sleep so you won't know until you get out of bed in the morning.

Good news:
It responds to medication so probably will correct itself.
Walking right now should be fine (i.e. shopping, dog walks, etc)
I can start lite workouts once it feels a little better (i.e. arm lifting, yoga and faster walking)
The older you get, the less severe herniations because the disc start to dry up.
If another flare up, the office will call in medication for me.
X-rays showed good vertebral spacing, etc.

I'm sore from the manipulation yesterday, but NO SPASMS this morning.  If all continues, I'm going to meet my aunts today.  The pain is different now.  It's like a heavy pressure.  Maybe this means I need to move more (it's what ortho thinks).  I'm scared about a flare up though.  AND, scared how little warning a flare up gives.  It's okay one minute and then intractable pain the next.

Last steroid this morning.  I'm super happy to be finished.  He said to take muscle relaxer at night and the RX NSAID daily.

Fingers crossed.  Pretty please and all that.

I also worked on my attitude yesterday.  I don't need to add to my physical pain with mental pain.  This is way easier to do when I'm not in horrible pain.  Not sure I could muster if I have another flare up.

I'm still nervous to move around given the flare up from basically nothing.  He seems to think I should walk though.  I'll go easy today and if I need to, sag out.

Fingers crossed.  I'm more worried about waking up tomorrow.  I certainly don't need to start an issue with fear sleeping so trying to keep those thoughts cleaned up too.

Have a good day.  Later gators.

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