Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Accepting What Is Happening

A friend texted me this -- I love the message.  

Heading to an orthopedic appointment this morning.  Fingers crossed for some answers.  I'm still in pain, but not spasm so it's manageable.  I had to take the muscle relaxer during the day, but skipped the night dose.  Nothing until I get home and maybe I won't need it.  Yesterday I pushed in the morning.  Went with hubby to the grocery store and then cooked up some food (soup and such).  I was hurting a lot my the afternoon.  I really don't like the way it makes me feel -- unsteady, shaking, brain fog.

Coaching yesterday was about living with the pain.  Could it be coming from non-physical too?  There's so much literature about pain, specifically back pain, being related to emotion -- given I didn't have a moment of injury (car accident, fall, etc).  Woke up with the pain and it progressively got worse.  I don't know if it's true, but I'm working on my thoughts around accepting that this is what is happening.  Sort of surrendering to things.  It can't hurt to try.

Cleaning crew this morning. Bad timing, but it's been a month!  Bad timing because hubby has a local business thing for the rest of the week, I'm not home and this will give Monti access to PEE in my office again.  Ugh.  He hides under things, so I can't expect the crew to find him, move him past the gate, etc.  It would be far worse if he gets shut into a room or shut on the other side of the gate.

My plan for the afternoon is to do some journaling and thought downloads regarding my back pain.  Specifically, I'm freaking out that I'm going to get massively out of shape, have a super hard time managing my mood without a workout and balloon up.  This isn't true, but my brain keeps telling me that it's inevitable.  I'm going to prove it wrong (!!)

Have a good day.  Later gators.

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