Thursday, January 21, 2021

Rainy Day

What an incredible day yesterday -- hope and unity.  No violence, no hate given airtime.  I spent the good portion of the day chatting with friends and watching the ceremony.

Of course, Amanda Gorman -- wow.  I don't normally listen to spoken word poetry, but this is on its way to become a classic.  Amazing words, delivered with perfection.  I keep replaying it and quoting it.  Talent in spades. 

Hubby bought me a frozen GF pizza to celebrate.  I had a few "thoughts" about a drink (or 2) to celebrate, but knew that wasn't a true desire.  Pizza isn't exactly a true desire either, but there aren't any lingering consequences from pizza.

I'm having a little moment of being bored with my current cooking (hence the pizza).  I need to try some new recipes and make a couple of winter salads.  Warm, mushy winter stews and soup gets old after a couple of months.  I'll make fresher options next week.  Grocery shopping on Friday.

Today is pouring rain ALL DAY.  No issue other than Duke needs to be active.  He had a couple of scrambles with Coby because he has pent up energy.  It'll have to wait until Friday.

On the agenda today is washing bed shirts for the spare beds (thrilling!!).  Someone along the doggie foster way marked on the corners.  I used the scent dissolver but it left a mark.  Bed skirts are a pain -- getting them on and off, ironing them, but I don't like seeing the stains.  A rainy day with hubby home is my best option.  Just do it and get it done ;)

We're getting ready to transition to hubby back in VA again.  Already it's playing with my mind.  I have no idea why this is such a big deal for me.  Maybe because life feels stressful still (pandemic, wedding, etc) and that makes me feel uncomfortable to be alone at first.  

I had the coaching call yesterday and it was good.  We chatted a lot about old patterns (my mother's voice in my head) and boundaries.  Helpful clarity with both.

I had a couple of off-routine days this week and I need to make sure to get back on the good stuff again.  Hormones are raging and without deliberate intention, my mood and such gets wonky.  It's funny how certain things make a big difference -- maybe worth some thought.  For example ... reading vs watching TV.  HUGE difference.  Not sure why.  Reading vs scrolling Instagram too.  The stuff I'm watching and the Instagram I follow is all good stuff -- so why does reading instead make me feel more balanced?  Earlier workouts make a difference too.  Later morning isn't quite as good -- and I've been drifting workouts to around 10 o'clock because mornings are free.  Earlier the better for me.  I also need a plan for the afternoon.  Wishy washy doesn't work as well -- even if I still get things done.  Strange.  Planned productive things carry more weight for me.  No idea why on this either.  I've noticed these things because I'm still paying attention to my good/less-good activity.  

I'll leave with this video of the dogs.  I love to watch them play.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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