Thursday, January 7, 2021

Double Post Day

I just posted 21 for 2021, but today is a double post day.

My GOD -- what in the world happened yesterday?  Trump let all the crazy show in full display.  I ended up glued to the news for hours which I haven't done in years.  This was unfolding danger and I wanted to be informed.  

Order seems to be restored on some level.  Biden was ceremonially confirmed.  Trump conceded through his media manager (with total asterisk lies) to allow peaceful transition.  What I'm most curious about is the accountability and support of high ranking Republicans (I'm looking at you Cruz and many others) -- I hold them as, if not more, accountable.  

It's also scary that Trump is in office for 2 more weeks AND is privy to classified US information.  One man can be this awful.  

What hate this Trump administration unleashed (!!)  Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.  These radicals are activated.  

On the GOOD NEWS front, Georgia, you made me proud.  Flipped the Senate.  Quieted the Republicans who support Trump.  BTW, I've voted Republican before and I never mind a balance of party power -- not right now though.  Democrat ALL THE WAY until ALL the Trump supporting Republicans are out of office and sane people can prevail.

I know the argument, all politicians are corrupt, but nothing like this ... nothing this aggressive with this much support from the party who wants to throw our democracy out the window.

Another HUGE thank you to Stacey Abrams and all the people who helped voter suppression in Georgia.  A butterfly flaps its wings and Stacey Abrams saved our country.  She lost the governor race to Kemp with massive voter suppression issues 2 years ago, took that loss and decided to make a change.  Boy, did she ever.  GA turned blue for the Presidential election, that caused Trump to fight with Kemp, that kept Republican GA Senators focused on supporting voter fraud and Trump with threats to forceable remove Kemp, a blue GA activated the Democrat base to know the flip was possible drawing incredible voting numbers.  And the rest is history ...  THANK YOU (!!)

Now to chat about me ...

I'm driving a long drive to pick up a foster today.  Through Atlanta and another hour south.  Hopefully, all is well with traffic (major construction), weather (rain and freezing rain) and any issues with the election results and Trump supporters.  I'll have to go into the vet AND use the bathroom during COVID -- ugh.

I'm full of anxiety this morning.  Everything swirling and landing down to my level.  Why today for pick up?!?  First couple days with a foster are stressful, I have lots of anxiety about a foster escaping when they first come and I'm not starting in a good mindset this morning.

I totally forgot all the prep I planned to do yesterday afternoon.  I was reading, just thinking to get up and get stuff ready for the foster and I got a text to turn on the news.  I didn't do anything after that -- totally my fault, I completely didn't think about it.  This morning is a scramble to get stuff set.

I need to calm down, spend a bit getting ready and manage my thoughts about this day.  Easy -- right?!?!  The anxiety is a story I'm telling myself.  Lord, I need a better story.

Well, let's hope for a calm day today.  Deep breath and move forward.  Stay well.  Later gators.

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