Saturday, January 2, 2021

Poker Night (!!)

I had a rotating partner for some of the Texas Holden poker hands -- all four dogs took a turn.  Duke and I won this hand BIG -- full house with kings high.  Overall, I lost $1.10 of my $10.  Not too bad, lots of fun, laughed the entire night.  (P.S. You can see my new ring ... it IS a little big for casual, everyday, but I'm getting used to the look.)

Food worked well.  I punted learning the air fryer until later and reheated the leftover appetizers in the oven.  Cobb salad tasted fresh and good after holiday food.  The ricotta toast was the surprise hit.  No go on the nut and honey one though -- the bread was raw in the middle and I burned the nuts -- twice.  Stuck to the tomato version.  Kids said it tasted like fancy pizza.  The monastery chocolate continues to be a family favorite.  Those nuns can do chocolate (!!) 

I'm set for a productive kind of day.  Starting the holiday un-do, making the chickpea stew and happy hour at our friend's fire pit.  She texted last night that she's doing a dry January and started yesterday.  That's such nice news for me because she is a big drink worrier -- if I'm not drinking, she feels guilty and then talks about it all night.  What a relief that this is off the table and we can have a fun chat.

I'll write a post about "not drinking right now."  What started off as a feel-better item in my feel good experiment has had unexpected insights.  I think next week's posts are going to be my lists and some deeper chats about things like alcohol.  

Have a happy day and stay well.  Later gators.

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