I ended up going back to sleep after a rotation of dog wake-ups since midnight. The last was at 3 o'clock and I was too tired to stay up. It took about an hour to fall back to sleep and now it's 6 o'clock after another round of dog potty, dog feeding and belly rubs. I'm sitting down to my coffee and such now.
Costco was a dream. No one there. They open a little ahead so I finished at 10 o'clock sharp -- just at opening. Perfect. Now that the holidays are finished, Costco can come back on rotation when needed. I went primarily for the coffee beans I like -- and almost forgot them. LISTS are a must LOL.
The rest of the day was nothing to report (as though Costco is big news haha). Chores, reading, dog walks, etc.
I'm bumping Trader Joe's today and swapping my Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday is an early hot water tank service in the basement (that was a reschedule from a truck breakdown). I don't want to rush a workout to stay clear of that area. He'll need to have access to the bathroom tub next to the workout room. Peloton and cleaning today ... rest day, Trader Joe's and park walk with the dogs tomorrow. Problem solving works to avoid so much aggravation. I used to problem solve when there was a PROBLEM, but never problem solved for AGGRAVATIONS. Life changing philosophy change.
I'll leave with a picture of me and Monti. I was at the table waiting to workout yesterday and he joined me. Such a cutie pie. Love this dog so dang much. Have a great day -- stay well. Later gators.
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