Friday, January 8, 2021

Part the Clouds, See the Sun

Deep breath.  Repeat.

After an anxiety day yesterday, I'm focused on getting back to calm.  

Coby's pickup went well.  One of the big construction areas is finished and the drive was miles easier.  I lucked on traffic too.  No drinking from early morning meant no bathroom needs (and a dry mouth lol) and I didn't have contact with people for more than one quick pass of a dog (both of us masked and outside).

Coby is ADORABLE.  He's sweet and full of nervous energy (can't blame the little man).  I think he'll adjust well after a few more days.  He's having some swelling after neutering and poor boy is hurting too.  He and Monti are having a hump fest to find the ranking order.  Duke is protecting Monti and that warms my heart.  (So am I ... no humping allowed.)  But no dog fighting -- I'm always a little worried.  The humping attempts is normal dog intro under the circumstances.

Restoring calm also means NO MORE NEWS.  Live news is a toxic repeat of all things doom and gloom. Immediate issues are over and I can go back to print news for updates.  No wonder my friend has so much anxiety -- she watches the news all day.

Hubby is back home today and, given this week, I can't wait to have my family home safe and sound.  When I get anxious, I want to nest into the safety of my house.

His work is having a big COVID exposure (a family member, a party they attended, etc).  He hasn't come in contact with anyone who is positive, but they are going back to remote for all employees.  Looks like he'll be home for a few weeks (if he gets approval for himself).  

If all goes as expected in dog world, I'm making a new stew today.  Braised chickpeas and mushrooms.  Different flavor profile and cooking process.  I'm excited to try something different.  I had been doing a new ingredient of the month, but I kind of ran out of options.  January is new plant based recipes and I'm going all in -- trying new flavors, methods, etc.

I LOVE plant based eating.  My energy feels good and I'm happy to have more plants in my diet.  After years of Whole30 mindset, I started eating too much meat at the exclusion of veggies.  This feels like a better balance.  I'd say I eat plant based about 75% of time (eggs and cheese make up most of the 25%).  I eat meat about once a week.  Not as a rule, but just how it's working out lately.  It's interesting to learn to cook differently too.  

Dog time.  Fosters have to go out so frequently after surgery.  Pressure on their bladders feels crummy when they are swollen and sore.  

Have a happy day and hope you find some calm too.  We've got this -- hang in there.  I'm hanging the best I can too.  Stay well, take care of yourself and give yourself grace -- life is extra hard right now.  Let's take care of each other too.  Later gators.

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