Friday, January 29, 2021

It's Friday

In case you need reminding.  This week is so wonky that I need reminding.  It's been the longest week and the shortest week simultaneously. 

Anyway ... short and sweet updates.

I finished This Tender Land (William Kent Kreuger).  FANTASTIC BOOK.  Loved it, gave a big sigh on the last page since I'll miss the characters.  It gets some comparisons to other books I've read, but it's better.  Today, I'll open the Jen Hatmaker box for February -- I'm excited :)
UPDATE:  Opened the box ... drumroll ... Red at The Bone (Jacqueline Woodson) and a JH winter hat.  Bummer on the hat and my HUGE head -- doesn't come close to fitting.  Some lucky normal-headed person in my life is getting a new hat.  At first I thought it was mittens or socks :(

Since I didn't want to start a new book last night and hubby was home late, I started watching a new series on Netflix.  Fate (A Winx Saga).  Silly series about a magic school (teenagers) -- has total Harry Potter feel around the story line.  Yet, I'm hooked.  It was a few R-rated one-liners, but no actual R-rated scenes (so far).  It's cheesy and perfect.

Today is a bunch of chores and some errands.  Grocery store run, meds curbside pickup at vet and a Dunkin Donuts for hubby (since I'll drive by his favorite one).  Coby needs a bath before his trial tomorrow, my house needs a little spit shine everywhere and I have some office paperwork.

I'll start a new book and watch some TV too.

Not a bad Friday.  

Enjoy the end of the week, stay well.  Later gators.

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