Thursday, October 5, 2017

Look at that face!

Captured in mid-bark!  LOL  Looks like she's singing!
Gigi and I (and my friend who came along) had a good time last night.  It was in a hip neighborhood in North Atlanta.  Families, tons of dogs, clean, trees ... nice place to live.  Gigi got lots of loving, but was happy to head home to her couch.

Today, I'm under-the-weather.  I keep fighting something, winning, losing and starting all over again.  Canceled my morning class since my instructor is having some issues with cancer treatment (no exposure to for her).  I'll workout at home and see what I muster.  I should probably cancel tomorrow too.

Tonight I get little Tiki for the weekend.  She's a master escape artist so this will be interesting.  And a big jumper.  I wonder if my sanity will stay intact!

Okay, just a quick 'hello' this morning.  My brain isn't functioning and I've run out of things to say!  Later gators.

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