Thursday, October 26, 2017

Changes and Into/Over

The Lift Studio announced the changes to their class line-up.  Not too bad actually.  If the instructor is good it will be a win!  The class times are more convenient and make more sense if you want to occasionally take 2 classes (no more split workout needed for me).  Before I make my own mental schedule, I want to see if I like the classes though.  I'm actually excited about the changes.

My friend's dog got really sick yesterday and we cancelled lunch.  Tentatively on for today, but waiting to hear how her dog did overnight (he's at the animal hospital -- poor baby).  I know she wants to visit him.

Later tonight is our GNI group, but this time at Top Golf.  Fun place.  I'm looking forward to something different and not having to bring anything!!

Willie had a rough time in the crate yesterday.  I left him while the cleaning ladies were here and that was a mistake.  He scratched his way through a chunk of the plastic base.  I have some ideas for today that might help things.  I'm nervous about leaving him tomorrow for 4 plus hours.  I hope today goes better or I might have to cancel tomorrow.

Did I mention I LOVE the change in weather?!?!  It's like a breath of fresh, cold air that invigorates everything!  This summer felt like the longest ever.  I'm bummed we went from AC to heat overnight, but, oh well.

That started me thinking about Into/Over ... obviously, I'm INTO fall and OVER summer ... but, wait, there's more.

What I'm INTO:

Applesauce from honey crisp apples.  So good!  Sweet with nothing but cinnamon and a pinch of salt.  They're still on sale and I'm still making it.  Delicious and easy.

Instagram suggestions from these "famous" bloggers (still don't know what to call them).  Getting some good ideas for my boys for Christmas and great ideas for toys for kids (on sale).  We always need a bunch of Toys for Tots (etc) things and this year, I'm knocking it out of the park.

Running outside.  I missed it.  I hope the weather cooperates so I can enjoy some regular early morning runs.

What I'm OVER:

I don't know if I ever complained mentioned this before, but I HATE (yes, hate) the word LITERALLY.  Not just the misuse of the word -- "I literally ate 5 million cookies today."  I can't stand the not-necessary use of the word -- "I literally ate a cookie."  When someone uses it, I cringe.  I cringe because I hate it and I cringe because LITERALLY always travels in a group.  Use it once, use it over and over.  *I just deleted my ironic "literally" sentence, because, even as a joke, I can't stand it.*

Big parties.  I'm really into smaller, more intimate groups lately.  I like conversations that are deeper, more involved.  A big party is lots of weather talk, boring small talk stuff.  After throwing a few of those this year, I'm done with it (at least for now).

And this will sound like I'm a spoiled brat, but I'm over doing all the planning for trips.  We have our anniversary trip next week (I still need restaurants), my youngest's trip to San Francisco (I've only booked 2 things so far) and our big trip next May to London/Paris (we need to figure out the accommodations and early book some of the day trips).  It takes a lot of work (especially the big trip).  It's all worth it in the end, but they're ganging up on me this week.  Spoiled brat moment over.

Later gators - make it a great day!

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