Lightening round update:
Willy's meet & greet cancelled at the LAST minute on Saturday. Ugh. We kept him on-hold for almost a week for her to meet him. He has another possible application pending. I'll know more today.
Youngest came home -- huge cold (thanks hun). Disinfected house -- fingers crossed. He also needed to borrow my reflective running vest for a costume. That's what moms do -- but I need it returned soon. I just got back to outside running. The Giving Tree. Yep, it's a mom thing.
Microwave installation postponed today so I can go pick up my wedding ring (I've waited this long -- what's a few more days). Stones were loose so I had to have some repairs on Friday. Today is the only day I can make the long drive back and I want my rings for my anniversary trip. Then lunch with a friend at a new "healthy" counter service restaurant.
Trips planned. At least the ones this year. I have an outline and the big stuff organized for Europe. Still waiting on flights (prices went way up last week ... that times 5 is a lot). It took me all weekend.
I keep forgetting tomorrow is Halloween. It's sneaky this year LOL! Candy still sealed and waiting for it's big day.
Dinner at our friend's house was great. Just what I expected. Fun, relaxing, great conversation ... perfect rainy night entertainment.
We leave Friday for DC. The trip shaped up nicely. Seeing 2 shows, meeting up with friends, a few museums and some great meals all planned. The weather looks okay -- still early to really predict. I'm excited.
I'm having a devil of a time with Amazon delivery lately. I don't know if it's Amazon or the delivery hubs. Packages delayed, packages damaged, packages lost. I've called on 5 separate things over the last month and I have to call again today.
That's my quick update. Lots to do this morning so I'm off and running. Have a great Monday! Later gators.
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