Tuesday, October 10, 2017


First a good-bye to Gigi.  As usually, a mixed feeling moment.  Her new mama is amazing and her fur-brother is adorable.  Both welcomed her with open arms.  I miss that little gal this morning.  The house is strangely too empty.  Have a wonderful 2nd chapter Gigi.  We love you. 💖

Then an unexpected good-bye.  My lift instructor is retiring.  I'm worried for her.  I wonder if things are getting tough with her cancer (it's her 5th occurrence since she was a teenager).  She keeps that close and doesn't often share the tough stuff.  However, she's newly engaged and starting another academic teaching chapter in her life, so this might be all good stuff for her.  I hope so -- she deserves it.

Now the selfish part.  OMG!  No one is as good as she is for what I want ... no one!  I just renewed for 4 months - ugh.  I'm grateful for the time we had and grateful for her inspiration and wisdom.  She's absolutely impacted my life for the better.  But I want MORE.

This is an opportunity for me to re-evaluate, change, grow ... you know .... blah, blah, blah.  But there is definitely some heartbreak in this good-bye too.

You know I've been in this funk ... maybe I could call it a rut ... so perhaps this is a welcomed push out of my comfort zone into something different.

Do you ever feel your comfort zone isn't all that comfortable to linger in?  I love a routine.  I love sameness.  Yet, when I stay too long, things get messed up for me.  What is it that "they" say ... if you're not growing, your dying ... yep.

So with my sad good-byes, I'm choosing my INTENTION today to be THANKFUL.  Thankful they became part of my life and THANKFUL for the good-byes that open up room for new possibilities.  XO to both these gals.

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