Monday, October 10, 2016

Step 1: The Purge.

Closet step #1 done.  Tons of crap GONE.  One large black bag to trash; three large black bags to GoodWill.  I was shocked at the amount considering I just did a clean-out about 3 or 4 months ago.

I hope there is no instant regret.  You know how that works ... toss it, next day need it lol.

I applied the "rules."
Stuff I don't use (for years).
Stuff I hold for no reason (buyer's remorse, unusable gift).
Stuff that SHOULD be trash (stained, ripped, faded, dated).

It was a little hard actually.  Especially my "favorite" stuff that's gone wrong (stains, rips).  I saved a couple of shirts (progress not perfection!) that I wear to clean, walk the dog, etc.  I mean come on folks lol!!

(I did find a few hidden gems that were long forgotten.)

My closet looks empty!  The rest of the week I'm re-organizing, re-folding, re-cleaning everything.  I'll start tomorrow (might take a couple of days as it can get overwhelming fast ... it's stupidly big!).

Intervals were great. I pushed hard and finished all 8 sets - go ME!!

Errands, some cooking and paper work rounded out the day.  Now I'm getting my chill on before hubby comes home.

Until tomorrow ...

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