Sunday, October 30, 2016

Bad Idea.

Golf was great - day was beautiful - decided to end it on a TV-watch with pizza and dessert (with hubby)  Bad idea.  Decidedly NOT worth it.  Lesson noted (again).  First bite didn't taste great, but I kept going.  That should have been my cue to stop and get out the chili that was my original dinner.

So this morning, I'm up early to run - feeling crappy.  Bloated, low energy, sinuses running.

The good news is my run followed by a repeat local hike (with dog and hubby) should make me feel a whole lot better.  I need to be very careful.  This month could easily go off rales.  Stress of a family visit, holidays and my pattern of sabotaging my success are all lining up.  Choice is mine.

Today is a very important day to get back on track - for real this time (ugh).

Enough said.

The rest of today will be a visit with my youngest - diner lunch (cue the massive crowds lol).  I can get poached eggs - perfect.  All the baked goods will be leaving too (Halloween treat for him and his roommates.)  All good - deep breath.

The week ahead is low key until we leave for California (super excited).  Low key is good.  I need some R&R, healthy eating, good workouts, time to myself.  When we get back, it's the family visit that is stressing me so much.  I need to be in top shape physically and mentally - not stress eat myself to death.

And, actually, I'm stressed about the election.  Weird, I know.  This is the first year that I'm actually very concerned who will win.  I just read a forecast that the-one-who-shall-not-be-named will win.  And I kind of believe it.  He keeps defining the odds.  God helps us.

You know, as I'm typing this I realize crappy eating does make me feel more moody (stressed) too.  That's good to note.  Another reason to keep it clean.

I'm going to finish my drink(s) and head out for the run.  Calgon and incantations take me away!!

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